Cmn. Saturnina Garate

Saturnina Garate serves on the USS Orpheus as a damage control technician. (Beta Shift)  

Psychological Profile[/h2[ Garate's name is whispered with terror in certain parts of Starfleet Command. She is the boogeyman waiting in the shadows to expose every dirty secret, every embarassment, every scandal committed under the Starfleet emblem. By reputation she should be ruthless and bloodthirsty ready to do whatever it takes to get the scoop. In reality, however, Garate is incredibly genial and an absolute delight to talk to. She is eternally cheerful, relaxed and easy-going and quite loquacious able to tell an amusing anecdote at the slightest provocation.   Starfleet Command as asked us to do our best to uncover Garate's motivations and based on subtle questions it seems she feels uneasy in her role as "the bane of Starfleet". She broke one story once and subsequently every whistle blower looking to expose something has called her up. She is hoping that joining Starfleet will help keep more scandals from dropping in her lap because she seems quite reluctant to end careers and create waves like she has been doing so far. Still, it is under advisement that supervisors be aware of her past and keep an eye out for her accessing information that she shouldn't.  

Biographical Overview

Garate was born on Earth. Her parents owned a starship and traveled through out the Federation as couriers for cargo that could not be easily replicated. In addition to delivering cargo, her parents would often deliver messages around remote areas of the Federation that didn't have reliable subspace communications. From a young age Garate was exposed to the power of information and especially on getting the news out all across the quadrant.   After graduating from primary education she became an investigative journalist. In 2369 she broke the news about a wave of amnesia that ripped through the planet of Moropa. Starfleet officials had tried to keep it quiet to prevent widespread panic however Garate broke the news and ushered in a wave of public scrutiny on Starfleet. In 2373 when a Changling had impersonated General Martok of the Klingon Empire, Starfleet and their Klingon allies tried to keep it quiet and again Garate uncovered and exposed the truth. Over the next few years she uncovered several similar news stories and covered a few atrocities committed by Starfleet personnel during the Dominion War. She gained a reputation of having a bloodhound's nose for a Starfleet coverup. It came as quite the surprise in 2378 when she suddenly enlisted to join Starfleet. While command had reservations about her true motivations, she passed every test and it was decided that denying her entry into Starfleet would be a greater risk and so she was assigned to the USS Orpheus assigned on deep space exploration.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2378
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 27th, 2347
Year of Birth
2347 34 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations