Cmn. W'pd (Whip-id)

W'pd is a lab technician serving on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

W'pd is a force of nature. She is incredibly sharp and precise in both her thinking and speech as she doesn't seem entirely understanding of exaggeration or hyperbole yet. Given her intelligence she had many opportunities for continuing education but she seems driven to get out and discover where she came from. This could be a simple yearning or it is possible this is some kind of inherent biological drive. She has willing taking positions beneath her ability to reduce the time it takes to get out to the frontier. With her abilities she is a great benefit to any scientific team that can utilize her although she has had minor interpersonal issues during training when she began correcting experts in their own fields.  When she thinks she is right it can be difficult to convince her that another action should be undertaken instead.  

Biographical Overview

W'pd was hatched from an egg that had previously been considered unviable, although biological activity had been noted and observed as an oddity. The egg had found its way from explorers to smugglers to a private collection of a very influential merchant who added it to his personal art gallery. When a power conduit overloaded it released an intense wave of heat that seemed to trigger some kind of reaction within the egg. The egg absorbed all the energy and cellular activity within the shell grew exponentially. The egg became too hot to house in an art gallery so the collector transferred the egg to a small research outpost on Mantiles where it hatched and an almost fully formed W'pd emerged. Over the next year W'pd demonstrated incredibly intellectual growth absorbing knowledge at an incredible rate. At one year she had achieved an educational equivalent of a 10-year old and by her second year she wa nearing completion of her primary education track. She qualified for Starfleet Academy but after finding out that it would take 2-4 years to complete she instead enlisted, putting in a request specifically for exploration and frontier assignments. Her high academic scores overqualified her to be a lab technician giving her prime choice of assignments and she was assigned to the USS Nightingale to explore the nearly opened Typhon Expanse.
Starfleet Academy
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
June 19th, 2373
Year of Birth
2374 7 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations