Cmn. Zara Kryos

Zara Kryos serves as a lab technician on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift  

Psychological Profile

Traditionally Xindi-Reptillians have a difficult time interacting with non-Xindi species and Kyros reinforces that stereotype. She is noted as being ornery, abrasive, and short tempered when it comes to her assignments and peers. She seems to view both the work and the people around her as beneath her. Ordinarily such a personality would be a poor fit on long term exploration vessels however she is highly skilled and very experienced, especially for being just an enlisted crew. Over her nearly two decades of service to Starfleet there are dozens of science officers who begrudgingly admit that without Kryos' help, they likely would not have achieved the success or breakthroughs that they did. One of the ways Kyros helps is with a drive for results often pushing those around her to take risks and be bold which many times is the push that is needed to reach the next breakthrough. Still, supervisors should be aware of the tensions that her presence often causes and be advised to be on the lookout for troubles within her team.    

Biographical Overview

Kyros was born among a large clutch on New Xindus. Her brood was focused on technology and engineering but as she got older Kyros ventured into a hybrid-science/engineer role on New Xindus. She was assigned a mating partner in 2359 however at that time she decided to enlist in Starfleet opting into long exploration assignments. In 2359 she was assigned to the USS Wollongong and was part of the away team that ended up having to clean up after a breach of the Prime Directive contaminated a pre-warp civilization. She served on the Wollongong and performed well but when the Wollongong finished it exploration assignment she was transferred to the USS Erdos instead. The Erdos was assigned to patrolling the Klingon Empire border to help assist with the fallout of the Klingon Civil War. In 2365 she took leave to lay a clutch of eggs before resuming her assignment. When the Bajoran Wormhole was discovered she put in several requests to transfer to an exploration ship and in 2369 she was re-assigned to the USS Malchil Borealis that was tasked with doing short-range exploration of the Gamma Quadrant. During this time she was flagged for promotion to Petty Officer however she declined it, chosing to remain as an enlisted crewmen.   In 2374 the Machil Borealis was recalled for retrofit and Kryos again put in for long-term exploration and she was transffered to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2359
Martial Status
Married (Torn Kryos, 3 children)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2374-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Malchil Borealis [NCC-79321] (2369-2374)
USS Erdos [NCC-1976] (2361-2369)
USS Wollongong [NCC-25718] (2359-2361)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 30th, 2326
Year of Birth
2326 55 Years old
New Xindus
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations