Cmndr. Nikolaj Coster

Dr. Nikolaj Coster was the Chief Medical Officer on the USS Oberon.   Coster was born in the 22nd century and was assigned to the NX Atlantis where he served as the Chief Medical Officer. When a gravimetric wormhole brought the ship hundreds of years into the future, Coster was re-integrated into Starfleet but found his medical knowledge hundreds of years out of date. Studying to get current he discovered reference to magical healing crystals on a remote Federation planet and took a shuttle out to investigate. What he found was instead a malfunctioning time crystal that had mutated a virus that then infected Coster through a cut on his hand. This virus caused him to slip uncontrollably through time.   Due to the Temporal Time Directive he does not talk about his time in the future but in 2366 he reappeared in this timeline and rejoined Starfleet, this time full of advanced medical knowledge that he carefully used to invent the things he paradoxically was known for in the future.   In 2370 he requested to be assigned to the USS Oberon to continue conducting his tests on two main projects, one that could miraculously revive the recently dead (but only for short amount of time), and a highly experimental combat stim.   In 2376 the Oberon encountered the Unknown Alien Dreadnaught and was destroyed in the ensuing space battle however Coster's body was not found among the wreckage and it seems likely that he was transported to another timelnie once again.
Current Status
Missing In Action
Year of Birth
2112 269 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations