USS Oberon

The USS Oberon was mainly used as a supply and logistics ship under the command of Cpt. Lonkunsh. It was destroyed near Seku VI in a confrontation with the Unknown Alien Dreadnaught.   The Oberon was commissioned in 2299 where it was used as a frontline exploration and patrol ship. By the 2330s it had been withdrawn from frontline service and instead regulated to logistics and courier services. In 2349, Cpt. Lonkunsh was given command of the Oberon, overseeing a retrofit that reduced the crew complement required by 80% as it was officially designated a logistic ship.   Over the next two decades, the Oberon tirelessly treked across Federation space transporting critical supplies that could not be manufactured on site. While Cpt. Lonkunsh developed a reputation of being difficult to work with, the ship garnered a reputation of producing excellent officers who went on to have meteoric careers.
In 2376 the Oberon took onboard its last set of junior officers: Ens. Thanum, Lt JG. Paxton Kixi, Ens. Kosi and Lt. JG Mennoso Sel. Later that year while investigating a strange subspace signal coming from Seku VI the ship encountered a Zuul warship. The Oberon engaged, trying to buy time for sheltar and evacuation of the civilians on the planet's surface but ultimately the ship was hit by a projectile and destroyed in orbit.


  • Normal Cruise : 4
  • Maximum Cruise : 5
  • Maximum Rated : 7 for 12 hours.

Weapons & Armament

  • 6 x Type VII phaser bank, total output 3,000 TeraWatts
  • 2 x 2nd class photon torpedo tube with 40 rounds

Armor and defense

  • Standard shield system, total capacity 270,000 TeraJoules
  • Standard Monotanium Single hull.
  • Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Creation Date
Owning Organization
127.1 m
230 m
51 m
520,000 metric tons
Warp 4
Complement / Crew
210 (normal), 20 (minimum)