Cpt. Alison Lewis

Alison Lewis is the Captain of the USS Nightingale.    

Psychological Profile

  Lewis has established herself as a savvy individual able to quickly assess and judge her surroundings based on the information at hand. There is a slight confidence issue however where if her initial instinct comes into question she can struggle to be decisive. She has compensated for this by surrounding herself with competent advisors who help re-direct her to new solutions if the initial solution fails or the problem alters. She had a close relationship with the previous command crew of the Oberon. With their deaths her social network has been ripped apart as only Lt. Cmdr. G'Trel remains alive.  

Biographical Overview

Alison Lewis was born on Mars in 2047 to local government officials. She was exposed to power and influence at a young age and was clearly being groomed to succeed her parents in entering politics. She instead turned her attention to Starfleet with an interest in the Sciences. She attended Starfleet Academy in 2064 with a specialty in Chemistry and graduated with honors.  

2377 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Although there were initial concerns about Captain Lewis' ability to handle this mission over the past year those fears have been assuaged. Lewis has shown to have a good ability to empower her subordinates to make decisions while keeping the peace and keeping the ship unified in its mission. She has a skilled crew that is loyal to her and is using them wisely. I have no complaints or concerns and hers is a career to watch closely.
Starfleet Academy Class
2368, 85th percentile
Martial Status
Married (Cmd. Kai Evans)
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2373-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Atlanta (2368-2373)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 7th, 2347
Year of Birth
2348 33 Years old
Mars, Sol System
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations