Lt. Cmdr. G'Trel (Gih-Trell)

G'Trel was the Chief Medical Officer on board the USS Orpheus  

Psychological Profile

As with many other Vulcans, G'Trel presents himself as a being of pure logic and reasoning. He does display some unique characteristics that differentiate him from his Vulcan peers. Firs he has a keen sense of time and appears to become agitated when it is wasted. Many Vulcans are overqualified when they enroll at Starfleet Academy and yet he is one of a very small number of students to effectively "test out" of the entire Academy process. In addition while many Vulcans are pacifists they generally are tolerant of the violent impulses of other species and have occasionally even admitted that violence is sometimes justified. G'Trel takes this philosophy further and refuses to serve a mission that is solely dedicated to war. His logical senses understand that sometimes conflict is inevitable but he does not believe a mission of war is the proper place for a doctor devoted to preserving life. The last differentiator is that he maintains a disorganized work space. Ordinarily Vulcan philosophy would stipulate that "a disorganized workplace is a reflection of a disorganized mind" however G'Trel prefers to leave equipment out where it can be easily reached by him. While this does make it more difficult for the nurses and his assistant to operate in, it allows him to maintain peak efficiency for his own operations.   Of specific note is his love and affection for wife and children. He composes daily messages to his family nearly every day for the past 33 years.   

Biographical Overview

G'Trel grew up on a Vulcan/Andorian colony that less than a hundred years ago had almost been a triggerin cause in a Vulcan/Andorian war. As a child his parents stressed upon him peace and tranquility using the Andorians as an example to their child. What had once been a vicious rival was now a close ally, and as Paan Mokar was once a battleground now it was a peaceful joint effort between two friendly species. G'Trel learned the lesson of his parents well and went on to focus his attention on medicine. He attended the Vulcan Academy Medical School in 2322 and achieved his medical certification by 2334. After that he practiced medicine back on Paan Mokar for awhile but felt that given his skills and abilities his talents were better suited serving a wider range of injuries rather than simple old age or illness that was the only dangers the Vulcan colony faced anymore.   G'Trel applied to Starfleet in 2342 and was immediately accepted. Given his extensive academic career prior his request to allow him to test out of certain credits was approved. In the end G'Trel tested out of all but two classes allowing him to graduate less than a year after entering the Academy.   G'Trel's first several assignments were stationed on Epsilon 12 and Delta 8 where he treated many injuries that arose over conflicts along the Klingon border. For two decades he treated thousands of the sick and wounded that passed through his medical bay displaying perfect precision and impeccable timing. When the Federation-Klingon alliance was signed in 2352 the Federation began winding down its medical staff along the Klingon border. Eventually G'Trel was reassigned to serve onboard Federation exploration vessels. After serving on the Haifeng he moved on to the Akshay but when the Dominion War broke out the Akshay was repurposed as a war ship and G'Trel put in a conscientious objector notice to serving on board a vessel of war. He was re-assigned to the Nightingale where its scientific research and planetary survey mission better suited G'Trel's ethical code.  

2378 - Captain Lewis Update

G'Trel unfortunately became afflicted with pon farr while deep within the Typhon Expannse. Although G'Trel had made preparations he decided to experiment with a new procedure that ended up transforming him into a psychotic lustful monster. Luckily he was subdued and regular treatments were effective in eliminating his symptoms.  

2379 - Admiral Shepherd Update

When the USS Nightingale was called back for repairs, Lt. Cmdr. Sel requested that G'Trel be reassigned as the Chief Medical Officer for the Orpheus due to his familiarity with the biologies and hazards of the expanse. Both G'Trel and his assistant doctor Dr. Takola accepted the request.
Starfleet Academy Class
2343 95th percentile
Martial Status
Married (T'shirre), 3 children
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2372-2379)
USS Akshay (2368-2372)
USS Haifeng (2364-2368)
Delta Outpost 8 (2348-2363)
Epsilon Outpost 12 (2343-2348)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
July 24th, 2291
Year of Birth
2292 89 Years old
Paan Mokar
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations