Dr. Damian Rhyne (Day-me-en Rine)

Damian Rhyne is an anthropologist working on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Rhyne is very analytical and thorough but also has an artistic flair to his work. His peers have commented about how his publications seem designed more for broad public appeal and dissemination rather than having a focus on precise accuracy. That isn't to say his work is flawed in any way, just that he seems more comfortable explaining his work to laymen rather then debating or defending his work against his peers. His research on the Dominion has given him a bit of a rising ego complex that needs to be monitored. He has achieved a lot of success in a very short amount of time and this could lead to mistakes as he assumes past success will prove continual success.   Based on recent evaluations it is believed that Rhyne is engaged with a casual romantic relationship with Cmn. Avison. As they are of similar rank and work in different departments no further recommendation is needed.   

Biographical Overview

Rhyne grew up in the remote wilderness north of San Francisco in the old Oregon valley region. His parents were simple subsistence farmers who enjoyed a quiet simple life of working the land. Rhyne however rejected that lifestyle at an early age and would leave his home for days at a time to travel to nearby cities to check out books from the library or attend enrichment classes. His parents did not support his pursuit of science and modern technology but they also were unable to stop him and he enrolled himself and excelled above his peers gaining him the attention of Federation educators and putting him on the path towards advanced curriculum.    In 2360 he enrolled at the University of Mars and ended up specializing in anthropology. Mars was still covered in ancient ruins from humanities first attempts to leave Earth and he was able to assist in the recovery of the old Pathfinder rover that had been buried centuries earlier.    When the Dominion War broke out he was selected to be part of a think tank to better understand the Dominion. His work focused on how the architecture and design of the Dominion ships and armor spoke towards their history and values as a culture. While the ultimate tactical value of this was debatable, he was able to publish several publications early on successfully predicting certain aspects of the Dominion, including the idea that the various species that made up the Dominion's forces might actually be genetically engineered for their roles rather than just conquered subjects.    Due to the nature of this work it was to be conducted on a starship and not at a ground based facility that would be more open to Changling infiltration so he was assigned to the USS Nightingale where he has continued his work studying the Dominion while safely on the other side of the galaxy.
University of Mars Class
2369, 85th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2373-present)
Previous Assignments
University of Mars (2369-2373)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 15th, 2343
Year of Birth
2343 38 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations