Dr. Enzo Jann

Enzo Jann is a biologist working on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Jann is very laid back and easy going with seemingly few cares in the world. His career is stable and he doesn't seem to have very much ambition in life. He does not normally fit the psychological profile of a space explorer but it seems he is doing this more as a favor to his wife's family rather than his own ambition. Most of his work so far has been under the direction of his brother-in-law.   ADDENDUM: Jann is currently undergoing additional counseling with his wife. In 2376 he had a casual romantic relationship with Dr. Ashia and later made a full confession to his wife. The two have been attending therapy for half a year.  

Biographical Overview

Jann was born on Earth as the only son of a pair of planetary administrators. By all metrics he had a loving and stable home life and had social and academic engagement and yet signs show that he struggled through primary and tertiary schooling. Additional testing revealed a rare learning disability that when corrected for allowed him to recover and excel in his academics.   In 2355 he enrolled at the University of Topeka where he again began to struggle academically. He was on the verge of failing and seemed very discouraged about continuing work in the scientific field. Spock was doing a guest lecture and they happened to end up at the same table for lunch. According to Jann they spoke and Spock gave Jann some words of wisdom and offered to help Jann bring his grades around. Jann returned to his coursework and his grades showed a dramatic mark of improvement over the next few years and he ended up graduating with his degree in biology.   In 2368 Jann was married and began building a family life for himself on Earth. He has no publications or citations of his own, instead his career has been built around double checking and replicating other scientist' work.   In 2375 his colleague and brother-in-law, Dr. Jin Yan was selected to serve on the USS Nightingale but became infected with Betelgeusen Narcophage and Jann was selected as a last minute replacement instead.   NOTE: All information about this mentoring by Spock come entirely from Jann. Spock as never mentioned this and nobody has reached out to corroborate this story.
Univeristy of Topeka
2361, 50th percentile Martial Status
Married (Cai Jann), 2 kids
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2375-present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 7th, 2337
Year of Birth
2337 44 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations