Dr. Ashia (Ash-ee-ah)

Ashia is a geologist serving on board the USS Nightingale .  

Psychological Profile

Ashia loves rocks. She has a passion of the types and properties and formations of rocks that are at odds with the rest of her personality. As soon as subject is not about geology she can seem vapid, superficial, and driven towards high-adrenaline thrills and heavy use of alcohols and narcotics. Her file also notes she tends to treat those around her as servants and will often ask peers to do menial tasks like fetch her food from the replicators. Despite these flaws she is quickly developing into one of the Federation's foremost authorities on geological development and metallurgy. She has boasted that she is almost at the point where she can just look at a picture of a mountain and be able to tell what minerals it is comprised of however this claim is both untested and highly implausible.   NOTE: As a Barzan she requires a breathing device to safely survive in standard Federation climate. Her personal quarters can be modified to allow her to safely remove it however this toxic atmosphere will need to be cycled when she has visitors.   ADDENDUM: It has been noted she has had casual romantic encounters with other civilian scientists on the Nightingale, namely Dr. Enzo Jann and Dr. Tess O'Heron. As they are of equivalent rank and not working directly on the same projects no further advisement is needed.  

Biographical Overview

Ashia was born into a very wealthy and influential family on Barzan II. By most records she spent most of her childhood socializing and engaging in reckless activities rather than focusing on excelling academically. Her family's influence meant that she was still able to be selected for an exclusive opportunity to study at the Federation Academy of Sciences as an exchange student. She ended up studying geology which was able to draw her focus and although she ended up taking an extra year to achieve it, she graduated with above average grades.    In 2373 she returned to Barzan II to be married but then immediately volunteered for the Federation Survey & Exploration Corps, a civilian nonprofit that performed detailed planetary surveys. Her work there as a geologist brought her to the attention of Starfleet Science department that reached out and contracted her in 2375 to help supplement the existing scientific team in performing planetary surveys.
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 18th, 2345
Year of Birth
2345 36 Years old
Barzan II
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations