Dr. Tess O'Heron

Tess O'Heron is a scientist specializing in genetics working on board the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

O'Heron almost didn't pass psychological screening due to warning signs of psychopathy. She displays almost no signs of empathy or consideration for those around her and routinely evaluates everyone, even close friends and family, in terms of their usefulness to her current objectives. She does not display any indicators for violent behavior which would have expelled her from consideration and superiors are given the note to expect a very cold and calculating demeanor from her. On a surface level this can mimic the stereotypical emotionless display seen from Vulcans but the difference is that Vulcans are suppressing their emotions while it seems possible that O'Heron just does not feel those emotions to a noticeable degree.   From a performance standpoint her work in the genetics is excellent. Her papers are widely cited and she has already achieved honors and awards for her work in the field. Given her personality however she works almost exclusively alone with only occasional requests to Starfleet lab technicians for assistance.    ADDENDUM: While during sessions O'Heron talks about how happy she is with her wife she did mention having a casual romantic encounter with Dr. Ashia after a holiday party.  

Biographical Overview

O'Heron is the daughter to Federation ambassadors to the Federation. She was almost born in Klingon space but the final deliver happened on Deep Space Station K-7 right along the border. She was mostly left to discover her own passions which ended up focusing on science  rather than diplomacy. She was an excellent student and was always at the top of her class. It was this academic excellence that earned her entrance into the prestigious Vulcan Academy of Science where she was able to keep pace with other top students from around the Federation. During her graduate degree in 2363 she married a fellow student.    She graduated in 2366 in biology with a specialization in genetics. Her work focused on using tailored bacteria and virus to perform genetic manipulation on a wider and more economical scale. Concerns were raised by the administration that this could easily be converted to the creation of bioweapons  however she petitioned the ruling council and eventually the objection was withdrawn given suitable safe guards being put into place.   On graduating she worked for several different civilian organizations and it was her work at BioGex that got her involved with the Starfleet science division. In 2375 she, along with several other civilian scientists, were given laboratory space on the USS Nightingale as a joint work effort between Starfleet and civilian sectors.
Vulcan Academy of Science
2366, 60th percentile Martial Status
Married (Lin O'Heron)
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2375-present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
2344 37 Years old
Deep Space Station K-7
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations