Emergency Medical Hologram

Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) - USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

The Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) aboard the USS Orpheus is a sophisticated and versatile medical program. Unlike traditional organic doctors, the EMH lacks personal experiences or emotions, enabling it to approach medical situations with logic and precision. The EMH's bedside manner is refined to be reassuring and calm, providing optimal care for patients under various circumstances. One peculiar aspect of the EMH's programming is its unique sense of humor, carefully calibrated to ease tension and foster a more relaxed atmosphere in the medical bay. Despite its non-organic nature, the EMH is adept at understanding and adapting to the emotional needs of patients.   NOTE: Did someone seriously just copy the brochure into here? The EMH Mk.I is notoriously abrasive and antisocial. Any "humor" it has is typically at the expense of its patients. The complaints were so numerous that some ships permanently disabled their EMH programs shortly after activating them. Unfortunately Cpt. Eradas thinks upgrading to the new Mk III models is a waste of Starfleet resources so we're left with this one. Best to just leave it deactivated.  

Biographical Overview

The USS Orpheus Emergency Medical Hologram was created and installed to ensure immediate and effective medical assistance in emergency situations. As an artificial intelligence, the EMH lacks a traditional biography, but its origins trace back to Starfleet's commitment to the welfare of its crew. Programmed with a comprehensive medical database and equipped with advanced diagnostic and surgical capabilities, the EMH has proven invaluable during critical missions and emergencies. Its adaptive nature allows it to continuously update its medical protocols based on new information and emerging medical technologies. The EMH is a product of the latest holographic technology, developed to serve as a supplement to the ship's medical team, especially in situations where immediate access to an organic doctor is not feasible. Its integration into the USS Orpheus's medical facilities enhances the ship's overall medical readiness.  


The EMH is a valuable addition to the medical resources aboard the USS Orpheus, but it should be noted that in certain situations involving complex ethical decisions, consultation with the ship's Chief Medical Officer or other qualified organic medical personnel is advised. The EMH is a tool, not a replacement for the unique insights and experiences that organic medical professionals bring to the field.   NOTE: Translation: Don't ask it to make a judgement call. Talk to a real doctor before making life or death decisions.