Cpt. Oshewin Eradas (Osh-eh-win Eh-rah-das)

Oshewin Eradas is the official Captain for the USS Orpheus however due to special re-assignment she is temporarily re-assigned to oversee the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Driven and ambitious do not even begin to describe Eradas. She has had her eyes set on an Admiral position from the very beginning of her career and has purposefully taken on high-risk, high-impact assignments in order to both maximize her accomplishments as well as accelerate her growth though Starfleet. By all accounts she is highly competent and capable and her career is a shining example of how Starfleet can maximize the impact of extraordinary indviduals. Her leadership style is marked by an intense loyaylty among her "inner circle" where she has hand selected dozens of officers to join her command and all of them immediately accepted her invitations. To some she has been described as cold, calculating and sometimes brutally efficient however this pragmatism and focus has allowed her to succeed and achieve great things in the face of overwhelming odds.  

Biographical Overview

Born on the Bolian homeworld, Eradas seemed destined for Starfleet from even her early childhood. Excelling academically and bolstering her academic curriculum with multiple extracurriculars she achieved early admissions into Starfleet Academy. She excelled in Command school and upon graduation was put into a leadership rotation program with her first rotation being an operations officer on the USS Sutherland in 2354. After completing a 3 year rotation there she was assigned to Starfleet Command as a tactical analyst reviewing combat logs and developing new methods of engagement. She is credited as the creator between Evasive Pattern Omega-Two, aka the "Eradas Run". In 2360 she was assigned to the Ambassador-Class USS Excalibur where she was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and rose up to become the Chief Tactical Officer. In 2364 she took a promotion to Commander and once again served in Starfleet Command this time as a Senior Tactical Strategist advising Starfleet Command on fleet assignments and dispersions. In 2367 she took a tour of duty as the Executive Officer on the USS Majestic before returning back to Earth in 2370 to teach Command Training at Starfleet Academy. In 2373 with the launching of the USS Oprheus she was selected to be its first Captain. From 2373-2375 she commanded the ship through the Dominion War and upon its conclusion did a 3-year pathfinding exploration into the Gamma Quadrant via the Bajoran Wormhole. In 2377 the Orpheus was tasked with assissting the USS Nightingale in exploring the Typhon Expanse and Eradas has been exploring the periphery of the Hellsmouth Nebula to try and find alternative routes that do not cross through Romulan Star Empire space.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Per the advice of mission specialists, the Orpheus was re-tasked to continue exploration within the Typhon Expanse while the USS Nightingale undergoes repairs and refitting. After careful consideration it was determined that the Nightingale's senior officers should swap with the Orpheus' command in order preserve diplomatic contiuniuty and maximize their unique perspective on this region of space. As part of that temporary re-assignment, Eradas has been re-assigned to command the USS Nightingale until Cpt. Lewis can be recovered and the ship crews can be rotated back.  

2379 Update - Admiral Goric

It is illogical to create confusion by de-listing Eradas as Captain of the Orpheus so she will remain listed as the ship captain despite being stationed on the Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy
2354, 98th percentile Martial Status
Married (Cpt. Arator, 1 child)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2373-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starfleet Academy - Command Training Instructor (2370-2373)
USS Majestic (2367-2370)
Starfleet Command - Strategic Division (2364-2367)
USS Excalibur (2360-2364)
Starfleet Command (2357-2360)
USS Sutherland (2354-2357)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 14th, 2332
Year of Birth
2332 49 Years old
Bolarus IX
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations