Ens. 0000101010 and Ens. 0000010101

0000101010 and 0000010101 are a matched pair of Bynars collectively nicknamed "The Zeds". They serve as shuttle pilots on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift).  

Psychological Profile

Bynars are often viewed as being immune to psychological analysis due to a combination of their cybernetic neural pathways and their connection to the central computer and while they are networked their own personalities are often suppressed but Starfleet has discovered that when Bynars go "offline' due to distance from Bynaus their true personalities can emerge. 0000101010 is the emotional one of the pair and she expresses concerns about how the Zeds are perceived by the rest of the crew while 0000010101 is more confident and bold in his approach, with a certain "shoot first, ask question later" approach and initiative.   As is common for Bynars, the Zeds struggle when away from Federation space for long periods of times. They are used to the constant presence of the Bynar Central Computer in their minds so its absence can cause disorientation and even trigger mental states like depression or anxieties. Supervisors are advised to be watchful of changes in their performance and other signs of struggle while the ship is on deep exploration assignments far from Federation subspace networks.    

Biographical Overview

Like all Bynars, when the Zeds were born their parietal lobe was surgically removed and replaced with a synaptic processor. The Zeds were then paired and have proceeded throughout their lives each as one set of a pair. Like all Bynars, the Zeds showed extreme aptitude for logic and programming however they chose to branch into navigation and piloting, using their advanced processing centers to calculate trajectories and orbital paths. In addition by being a pair they excel at console operation.
In 2374 during their time at the academy one of their instructors started to give them extra-credit challenges involving security penetration testing for Starfleet Command. The Zeds found this suspicious and upon further investigation they were able to discovered this instructor had been compromised by a foreign agency and was trying to use the Zeds to break into Starfleet Command and steal sensitive data. Starfleet Intelligence was notified and the Zeds received a merit for uncovering this plot.   In 2376 they graduated from the academy and were assigned to the USS Orpheus as shuttle pilots.
Starfleet Academy Class
2376, 68th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
August 15th, 2354
Year of Birth
2354 27 Years old
Male / Female
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations