Ens. Athyrosh "Sasha" Sh'ashretrot

Athyrosh "Sasha" Sh'ashretrot serves as a warp core engineer on the USS Orpheus (Alpha Shift).  

Psychological Profile

There are some officers that during counseling it is very obvious that they are expecting to have a lifetime career in Starfleet. They are here to explore the galaxy and spread peace and knowledge and have dreams of becoming a captain or admiral one day. Then there are officers like Sasha. Looking at her education history it would be easy to think that she grew up as an artist and then lost interest in it however the truth is her entire Starfleet career is preparing her for her future art installations. She has a vision of devleoping holoart at such a grand scale that an antimatter core power source may be required to fuel the energy she needs. Foressing this, she has moved her career in engineering to different aspects in order to learn everything she can about the construction and maintenance of holo-emittters and antimatter reactions to perpare her for her grand work. She expected another 3-5 years in Starfleet before she will retire and dedicate herself on her life's true calling: holoart.   Until then she is a capable engineer with dazzling creativity and if Starfleet can get 10 years of service out of her then it will have been a mutually beneficial arrangement.     NOTE: Ever since taking supplies on at Yondar, Sasha has been reporting gaps in her consciousness. She is blacking out and seemingly sleepwalking or having short term memory issues as she "wakes up" in different parts of the ship.  

Biographical Overview

Sasha was born on Andoria in 2353 into a commune of artists and creatives. While not the most famus art collective on Andoria, since the mid-2360s they have been highly influential towards trends in Andorian culture. Sasha demonstrated incredible artistic talent at a young age winning several awards by 2363. Towards the end of her primary education however she started gravitating more into engineering electives. In 2371 upon completing her primary education she applied to Starfleet Academy as an engineering cadet. Her electives put her focus on holographic engineering and she won an award in 2373 for a holographic art display that is still installed in Starfleet Academy as of 2379. Upon graduating in 2375 she was assigned to the USS Sugihara to work on advanced holographic controls for diplomatic meetings. In 2377 she requested a transfer into warp core engineering and was re-assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy
2375, 53rd percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2377-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Sugihara [NCC-14844] (2375-2377)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
April 14th, 2353
Year of Birth
2353 28 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations