Ens. Cailyn Kaufman

Cailyn Kaufman serves as a warp core technician on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Kaufman has been detailed as difficult to work with by her peers. Logs describe her as being argumentative, petty, and plagued by periods of depression. Given the number of unfortunate events she has experienced in her life it seems understandable that she doesn't view the world in quite the same way her more optimistic colleagues do. She was orphaned at a young age, she has witnessed hundreds of her colleages die during the Dominion War and she has seen more death than most do in a lifetime at only 7 years into her career. That being said as difficult as she can be to work with, she is very talented and Starfleet should consider her worth the pain she causes in exchange for the talent she brings. Her research and development on a new warp core stabilization buffer could vastly improve safety across the fleet and she was specifically re-assigned to work alongside Cmdr. Major so he can lend his expertise in pushing her prototype into a functional state. Supervisors are advised to consider that Kaufman is angry at the universe, not at anyone specifically in Starfleet and she is still learning coping mechanisms for properly channeling that anger and grief. She has shown tremendous improvement but still these things take time.    

Biographical Overview

Kuafman was born on Earth in 2350 into a very sick family. Both of her parents had been overexposed to radiation when their Starfleet vessel was caught too close to a pulsar. Her mother died shortly after giving birth and her father within a year. While Starfleet medicine couldn't save her parents, it was able to keep her alive and after some early radiation treatments Kaufman had a positive prognosis. When Kafuman was in primary school she began researching the details of her parents accident and death discovering that at the critical moment a wave of gamma waves had disrupted the ship's warp core and she became obsessed with finding a solution to prevent that tragedy from happening anywhere else.   In 2368 she graduated from primary education and was accepted into Starfleet academy. She graduated in 2372 as an engineer specializing in warp core stabilization was assigned to the USS Mercury as part of crisis response. Four months into her assignment the ship was tasked with responding to a distress beacon when four unknown ships appeared and ambushed the Mercury destroying it in short order. Kaufman was part of a few survivors who were able to escape and make planetfall to a nearby Class-O planet surviving on the vast oceans for several days before Starfleet could conduct a rescue. Upon her return she was assgined to the USS Lullaya and the ship was tasked with identifying who had destroyed the Mercury. After several months of investigations and false leads they discovered that it was the Jem'Hadar that had ambushed the Mercury and that there were Dominion strike forces already operating in the Alpha Quadrant. Starfleet had little time to react to this news before the Dominion declared outright war. The Lullaya was a principal combatant against the Cardassians in a fleet support and scout role and served in this capacity until in 2374 while fighting on the Vulcan border the ship was destroyed and Kaufman once again had to survive by abandoning ship. This time she sustained injuries and was rotated away from the front and assigned to the USS Zari Plains on a short exploration voyage by Ktarian space. In 2376 when that expedition returned she requested re-assignment to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
2372, 87th percentile
Martial Status Married (Kyle Barros)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments USS Zari Plains [NCC-77009] (2374-2376)
USS Lullaya [NCC-75990] (2372-2374)
USS Mercury [NCC-63969] (2372-2372)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 2nd, 2350
Year of Birth
2350 31 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations