Ens. Caitlin Cross

Caitlin Cross serves as the quarters specialist on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Cross is obsessed with pop culture and talks at end about the latest holonovels or celebrity gossip. Her garrulous nature can be both endearing or offputting depending on how distracting she is to her colleagues. Outside of work her chatter fills the hallway and mess halls. Overall she is very friendly until her engineering knowledge is questioned and then she can bristle. Given her background in starship design, she does not take even constructive criticism very well in regards to quarter layouts. So far there haven't been any incidents but it is a trait that is worth addressing while it is still early in her career.   NOTE: Cross has become best friends with Ens. Potter. Although Potter was a little older than Cross during their primary education, Cross caught up and they ended up in the same two years at Starfleet Academy. In their free time they are inseparable.  

Biographical Overview

Cross was born in 2356 looking up at the vast orbital shipyards around Morena. The rest of Morena is fairly barren and featureless and almost all the settlements exist to support the Starfleet shipyards. Her parents and extended family all worked in the shipyards or design facilities. Cross' education was geared towards starhip hulls and structures and when she completed her primary education in 2374 she applied to Starfleet Academy as an engineer. Due to her experience growing up around the shipyards she was able to test out of several Academy engineering courses and ended up on an accelerated academy track. In 2375 she won an Daystrom Institute award for innovation based on her design for a space ship oriented around a radial axis. She graduated in 2376 and was assigned to the USS Orpheus supervising interior reconfigurations as the ship adapted during its exploration of the Hellsmouth Nebula.
Starfleet Academy
2376, 65th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 13th, 2356
Year of Birth
2356 25 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations