Ens. Elinor Potter

Elinor Potter serves as an engineering officer on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift).  

Psychological Profile

Potter is a highly sociable individual who has quickly established an extensive network of friends in the time she has been aboard the ship. Her peers have nothing but positive remarks to say about both her work and her personality. One note of concern is that she tends to become a person that others share their problems with leaving it difficult for her to reach out to anyone when she herself is struggling. Based on recent counseling sessions it seems she is suffering from homesickness. Even when she went to the academy her time there was broken up with a year back home. Two years into a deep space exploration voyage means she has not been able to be in close contact with her family for the first time and while her social network helps she still has developed sufficient coping mechanisms to deal with the absence of her family.     NOTE: Potter has become best friends with Ens. Cross. Although Potter was a little older than Cross during their primary education, Cross caught up and they ended up in the same two years at Starfleet Academy. In their free time they are inseparable.  

Biographical Overview

Potter grew up among the shipyards of Morena. Her parents were technicians and would bring her along to witness starships being constructed. She excelled in primary education, especially in engineering related curriculum and when she graduated in 2372 she applied for Starfleet Academy and was accepted on an engineering track. In 2374 when the Dominion War ramped up in intensity she opted out of a year to go back to Morena to assist with the production of new combat-capable ships for Starfleet. She returned a year later and graduated in 2377. Upon graduation she was assigned to the USS Orpheus to assist in the survey of the Hellsmouth Nebula.
Starfleet Academy
2377, 63rd percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2377-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 2nd, 2354
Year of Birth
2354 27 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations