Ens. Devante Atkins

Devante Atkins was an engineering officer serving on the USS Nightingale    CAPTAIN'S UPDATE: The following has turned out to be a carefully planted Cardassian lie. "Devante" turned out to be a genetically altered spy sent to infiltrate the ship. He is currently being held in the brig by Lt. Colt for questioning.   RIDLEY'S PERSONAL NOTE: Somehow "I told you so" doesn't seem to suffice.  

Psychological Profile

Atkins is a classic late bloomer. His troubled youth seems to have been caused by boredom and once he was properly challenged he has grown into a fine cadet.   RIDLEY'S PERSONAL NOTE: Yeah nobody has such a short psyche eval.

Biographical Overview

Atkins was born  on Earth  to minor dignitaries within the Federation ambassador corps. Despite his  parents penchant for diplomacy, Atkins spent most of his childhood getting into trouble with local authorities. While the juvenile records are sealed, it is public record that he went to three different "at-risk" youth camps growing up. In 2373 he graduated from one such camp and due to the camp's ties with Starfleet he was able to  get special acceptance into Starfleet Academy.  Under the tutelage of various instructors Atkins was able to find his calling in Starfleet engineering, being especially capable with designing and using small pieces of personal equipment. In 2374 Starfleet conducted a security review to screen the Academy for potential infiltration by Changling operatives and Atkins was selected to join this team, serving with high praise by both Starfleet Intelligence and Security personnel for his attention to detail and his willingness to follow orders even when others might find them questionable.   In 2377 after graduating he was briefly signed up for working at the Academy before he re-applied and was selected to be a replacement officer on the USS Nightingale.   RIDLEY'S PERSONAL NOTE: Weird how his bio doesn't talk about how nobody remembers his parents and they both died shortly before he was sent to one of the few places that doesn't ask questions and has an almost guaranteed  placement into Starfleet Academy...
Starfleet Academy
2377, 75th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations