Lt. Cmdr. Cody Colt

Cody Colt is the First Officer on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Colt displays a complex psychological profile shaped by his unconventional upbringing and traumatic experiences. Growing up with a transient childhood, constantly moving from one starship to another, has left him with a sense of rootlessness and a deep longing for stability. His rejection of the traditional path of the Academy, along with his involvement in independent trading and minor smuggling, suggests a rebellious streak and a preference for life on the fringes of society. However, his decision to settle down on Salva II and assume the role of a sheriff indicates a strong desire for a sense of belonging and purpose. Unfortunately the Dominion War and the loss of his family has shattered that sense and he displays signs of deep emotional trauma and PTSD from his experiences during the war. He is recovering but it is a trauma that will likely stay with him for the rest of his life.   Colt tends to exhibit a reserved nature, preferring to observe and assess others before fully engaging in interpersonal relationships. This cautious and thoughtful approach suggests a need for emotional self-preservation and a desire to avoid further pain. His affinity for western history and adoption of classic spaghetti western motifs may serve as a coping mechanism or a way to honor his past, providing him with a sense of familiarity and a connection to his frontier roots. It is crucial to provide Colt with the necessary support and create an environment that allows him to process his traumas while also harnessing his unique skills and experiences for the betterment of the crew.   Despite his past though he has continued to display exemplary performance in stressful situations and exhibits both good judgemnt and bravery in fulfilling his duty and protecting the rest of his crew.  

Biographical Overview

Cody Colt was born aboard the USS Kepler to career enlisted crewmen to Starfleet. From an early age, he experienced a nomadic existence as his parents' assignments led to frequent transfers between starships. While he was given a robust education he opted out of pursuing a career in Starfleet, instead embarking on a period of independent trading. He often ventured outside of Federation space and while he was never caught trading in illicit goods, Starfleet Intelligence had flagged him as a potential smuggler and tracked his movements through the Klingon and Orion sectors. In 2364 he sold his ship and became a colonist on Salva II, a frontier planet on the border of the Cardassian Union. While he started out as a regular homesteader he discovered the town's sheriff was selling the colonists of Salva II out to local pirates. Colt confronted the sheriff and things escalated and Colt shot and killed the sheriff. The locals of New Salvation voted Colt to become sheriff and he stayed there for the next six years. During this time he married and had a son. In 2370 the Federation-Cardassian Treaty was signed and Salva II became part of the Cardassian Union. The colonists of Salva II refused relocation and Colt stayed in New Salvation as well. Although Colt and his family stayed away from the Maquis, the colonists of New Salvation quickly joined the insuregency and Salva II became a primary staging ground for Maquis attacks. In 2373 the Jem'Hadar of The Dominion overran Salva II along with other colonies in the DMZ and New Salvation was destroyed in the raid. Colt survived but his wife and son died during the attack. Shortly afterwards Colt enlisted to serve in the war and performed exceptionally. He was placed in an elite special forces unit that performed deep strikes and surgical operations behind enemy lines. While his service record is classified as a result of his performance he earned three service crosses, two purple hearts and a a silver star for his performance.   Colt chose to continue his service with Starfleet after the war. Acknowledging his exceptional performance, he was granted an officer's rank and served as a security officer aboard the USS Samarkland where he served until being selected for promotion to Lieutenant and being selected to serve as Chief Security Officer on the USS Nightingale.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

As expected, Colt has provided the crew of the USS Nightingale with veteran presence to help them from rushing headfirst into danger like they have done so many times previously. His careful and methodical apporach were especially valuable during the attempted assissination of King Diocourides when some of the crew were captured and the rest of the crew wanted to charge right into an ambush. Instead, a plan was formed and everyone was rescued without injury. It only makes sense that with the transfer of Lt. Cmdr. Sel and Lt. Cmdr. Kixi that Colt be sent along to keep an eye on things and protect the mission. Due to both his years of service and his conduct in taking over when Lt. Cado was incapacitated, Colt is being promoted to Liuetenant Commander as part of this transfer.
Starfleet Academy Class
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
  Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2378-2379)
USS Samarkland (2376-2378)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 22nd, 2333
Year of Birth
2333 48 Years old
USS Kepler
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations