Ens. Kylie Merritt

Kylie Merritt serves as a sensor officer on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift)  

Psychological Profile

While she has done a lot of self-improvement and recovery over the last three years, Merritt is still grappling with not only her husband murdering another Starfleet officer but also that she ended up being the one to turn him in and present the evidence that put him away. He had lied and claimed to be with her at the time of the murder and she refuted it during the trial. To the surprise of many, she opted not to divorce him and has maintained very frequent, almost daily, correspondances with her husband. He is due to be released in 2381 and it will be a key point in her life what happens when she has to confront him physically, not just through long distance communications.   Overall Merritt is talented and skiled with a keen intellect and a dedication to being truthful and honest that has withstood the thoughest of trials. She is grappling with a premature mid-life crisis however. Seemingly abandoing a path to command and even taking a voluntary demotion to get away quicker could become a decision that haunts her but for now she seems excited to be part of a new career path and the challenges of learning a new field are a welcome distraction for her than thinking about her husband's situation.   NOTE: Merritt has been doing off-hours study session with Lt. JG Calder and if this continues will likely request to switch away from sensors and focus more on research as a geneticist.  

Biographical Overview

Like many children of the Federation, Merritt dreamed of joining Starfleet from a young age. Throughout her primary education when asked what she wanted to do, she said she wanted to become a captain and explore the stars. She excelled in school and in 2365 was accepted into Starfleet under the command track to become a bridge officer and potentially command her own crew one day. In 2369 during her senior year at the academy she was performing some field training exercises when their training shuttle was attacked by Klingon raiders. Her shuttle was disabled and boarded by the pirates and she was cut down by a bat'leth while trying to defend herself. The cadets were able to hold on long enough for a patrolling Starfleet vessel to reach them and drive the Klingons away but her wounds were deep and she spent four months in recovery, missing her final exams and her graduation date. She ended up repeating her senior year and graduating in 2370 having taken several science courses to round out her curriculum.

She was placed as part of the central command crew on Starbase 464 where she met her soon-to-be husband. Things proceeded along until 2375 when there was a murder on the station. She was tasked with assissting security with the investigation and upon investigation discovered her husuband was the culprit. She ended up bringing forward the evidence and testifying in court that he had no alibi at the time and he was sentenced to 5 years at a penal colony. Shortly afterwards she requested a transfer off station, and in order to accomodate this was willing to take a voluntary demotion to switch fields of study into Science just to get away from Federation space. Due to the unique circumstances of her request, this was granted and in 2376 she was assigned as an ensign to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy
2370, 61st percentile Martial Status
Married (Dylan Merritt)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 464 (2370-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 28th, 2347
Year of Birth
2347 34 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations