Lt. JG Annie Calder (An-ee Call-der)

Annie Calder serves as a science officer on the USS Orpheus. Her specialty is in Genetics.  

Psychological Profile

Calder is unusual and that word is doing a lot of heavy lifting. Since before her stay at Starfleet Academy, Calder has had this obsession with using genetic manipulation of bacteria strings to create organic music. Through manipulation of the chemicals the bacteria consumes and the way they emit gas byproducts she believes they can be manipulated so that it can produce musical tones. Then as each generation divides that tone would shift and if she can somehow impose mathmatical rules into the noise process she should, in theory be able to produce something akin to music. As to why anyone would want to do this is a completely separate question. Besides this unusual objective she has been working on privately for nearly a decade, she is otherwise competent and unremarkable in terms of her performance. Typically science officers are driven by their love of their field and given that Calder's passion is "genetic music" anything unrelated to that can be a little tricky to get her properly motivated.   NOTE: Calder has been working closely with Ens. Merritt and the two have spent a considerable amount of time after shift studying genetics.  

Biographical Overview

Calder's history is farily standard. She was born on Earth, grew up exposed to Federation and Starfleet politics and followed in her parents footsteps joining Starfleet. She graduated in 2368 and was placed on the USS Pannonian. In 2372 the Pannonian was doing standard exploration in the Alpha Quadrant and Calder was on an away team conducting soil samples when the team accidentally discovered a secret Cardassian supply cache. The away team was ambushed and Calder was left for dead as the rest of the team retreatd. For two days she had to survive on her own, badly wounded and hiding from Cardassians that were rushing to relocate the now discovered cache. Eventually the Cardassians left and she was able to call for help. She was commended for her bravery but the experience has also given her a reluctance to go on any more away missions, instead preferring to just analyze teh data once the team returns and continuing her experiments with genetic music.
Starfleet Academy Class
2368, 59th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2377-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 123 (2372-2377)
USS Pannonian [NCC-81895] (2368-2372)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 3rd, 2346
Year of Birth
2346 35 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations