Ens. Lea Rashomta (Le-ah Rah-showm-tah)

Lea Rashomta serves as a science officer specializing in xenobotany on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Rashomta is brilliant, considerate, and able to speak her mind. Such qualities should combine to make the perfect science officer however her parents have instilled within her an unnatural drive and a horrific fear of failure. She didn't need to cheat in Starfleet, her grades were excellent already however it seems that the pressure to be the perfect student and the perfect daughter impaired her judgement. It also seems that the guilt of cheating negativley impacted her performance after the incident. She has the skills and talent to become a top officer so long as she can learn that failure is an option, even an opportunity to learn and grow.    

Biographical Overview

Rashomta was born on Deneb V to an influential pair of scientists. Her parents were pioneers in botany having developed dozens of new strains of plants that could produce exotic chemicals as an alternative to heavy industry and manufacturing. Rashomta excelled in her primary education, aided by tutors and extracurricular activities sponsored by her parents. In 2372 when she graduated she applied for Starfleet Academy and was accepted as a science officer. In 2376 she graduated and was assigned to the USS Orpheus.   In 2377 a scandal broke out in Starfleet Academy where a group of administrators and students were caught selling test exams. Going back through their records implicated over a hundred students including Rashomta. Given the scale of the fraud, a tribunal was formed and in 2378 it was determined that although the students found guilty of cheating would not be driven out of Starfleet, it would be noted on their records as a caution against rapid advancement.
Starfleet Academy
2376, 73rd percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 10th, 2354
Year of Birth
2354 27 Years old
Deneb V
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations