Ens. Tavik Valroian (Tah-vik Val-row-ee-en)

Tavik Valroian serves as a nurse on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Shift)  

Psychological Profile

When it comes to treatment by Valroian it is important to remember that Risan culture is very open and permissive with very few inhibitions. Going through Starfleet training he has learned to be accomodating for the less shy nature of his colleagues but there have been several incidents already of misunderstandings where his suggestions or actions were taken as inappropriate. As a medical professional he is both attentive and very personable but can be a little difficult in moving with expediency during triage.   NOTE: Valroian has recently become very good friends with Lt. Cmdr. Ororas and the two frequently pair up to play through holonovel mysteries together.  

Biographical Overview

Valroian's grandfather lives in infamy within the history of Risa. Kaelen Valroian was the planetary governor from to 2308 to 2326 when it was discovered he was secretly diverting resources from planetary projects for personal means. Kaelen ended up fleeing Risa in his luxury yacht leaving his children to absorb the taint of corruption from his misdeeds. Despite being gifted at academics, Valroian had to work twice as hard to get accepted into advanced studies and it was a struggle for him to gain admittance into Starfleet Academy in 2371. Once away from his reputation on Risa he was able to excel in his studies graduating in 2375 as a medical officer and being placed on the USS Orpheus as a medical assistant/nurse as he continues his training.
Starfleet Academy
2375, 69th percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2375-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 7th, 2353
Year of Birth
2353 28 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations