Lt. Cmdr. Yaq Ororas

Yaq Ororas serves as a medical officer on the USS Orpheus (Beta Shift).  

Psychological Profile

Orora is a highly capable doctor and generally a welcome addition to any ship. He is knowledegable but also restrained knowing when to push and when to let his patients push back. He has a good sense of humor and a pleasant bed side manner. The only re-occuring complaints mainly come from his colleagues and not his patients. Ororas tends to be "accident prone" and during his tenure equipment tends to need higher than normal amount of maintenance and replacement. His medical file indicates that he has a genetic condition that causes large than normal gaps in his field of vision resulting in him misplacing things or bumping into things. It isn't suffiicent enough to warrant ocular replacement but it is significant enough for it to be noticable. Based on the progression he will need to have ocular replacement done sometime in the next decade but until things just make sure to give him a wide berth when he is moving around the medical bay.   NOTE: Ororas and Ens. Valroian have bonded over a mutual love of holonovel mysteries and frequently share holodeck time together.  

Biographical Overview

Ororas was born on the frontier colony Persephone V. His parents were musicians but Ororas was more inclined to explore rather than stay home and practice his instruments. According to security reports his father drank heavily and was charged multiple times with domestic violence. As soon as Ororas could he signed up for Starfleet Academy and then extended into a medical path. He ended up graduating in 2357 and then completed a 4 year residency in San Fransisco before being assigned as a junior medical officer on the USS Chard in 2361. By 2364 he had become the Assistant Chief Medical Officer and in 2365 transferred to Starfleet Medical Research Institute to conduct research on a new pain management technique for low technology/emergency conditions. During this time period there were numerous reports of oddities happening with his work: security breaches, data breaches, equipment vanishing and re-appearing. Nothing reported was dangerous however these proved to be highly disruptive. When questioned Ororas claimed that a Q Entity was trying to "help" him with his research and that was triggering all the disruptions. For several months security continually investigated but found no evidence that Ororas was responsible nor was there any sign of a Q encounter. When his research completed he was re-assigned to the USS Malawi and this seems to have ended whatever phenomenon was going on at the Research institute. The Malwai was heavily involved in the Dominion War and Ororas was instrumental in keeping the crew healthy and capable of continuing to hold the line.   In 2374 the Malwai was heavily damaged and as part of a re-organization Ororas was re-assigned to serve on the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy
2366, 60th percentile Martial Status
Married (Kora Ororas, 3 children)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2374-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Malawi (2370-2374)
Starfleet Medical Reseearch Institute (2365-2370)
USS Chard (2361-2365)
Starfleet Medical - San Francisco (2357-2361)
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
April 17th, 2334
Year of Birth
2334 47 Years old
Persephone V
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations