Ens. Winston Snow

Winston Snow serves as an engineering officer on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Pscyhological Profile

Tragic doesn't even begin to describe Snow's history. Losing almost his entire family to the Borg and then his first ship being lost barely months after he was assigned there with a massive casualty rate. It is no wonder that Snow spent years recovering mentally in San Francisco before venturing out into the stars again. He masks his pain very well, using humor and friendly attitude as a deflection mechanism but behind the easy smiles and quick jokes there is a lot of pain that he is having trouble processing. Recently this is manifesting as him throwing himself into his work and he has become quite popular around engineering as someone who will always cover a shift for someone else. While this single-minded focusu can be good in small doses, it is not an effective long term strategy and supervising officers are encouraged to push back against this need to keep busy in order to allow him the time and space to properly grieve. As part of this recommendation is a mandate for him to build up a social support network so he has people he can rely on when he finally can't escape from his grief any longer.   NOTE: Snow has befriended fellow Cornwallis survivor Lt. JG O'Sullivan to help build a social network and process their survivor's guilt.  

Biographical Overview

Born on Earth in 2351, Snow's family has numerous connections to Starfleet. His mother was the Captain of the USS Mezzini and both his older brothers served on ships as well. His childhood was fairly ordinary up until 2367 when the Borg attacked in Wolf 359. HIs mother and brothers were all lost in that conflict but that didn't deter Snow from applying to Starfleet Academy a few years later. He excelled as an engineer and in 2373 was part of an early graduation program that had him serve on the USS Cornwallis at the start of the Dominion War. Unfortunately the USS Cornwallis was lost in the conflict and Snow was badly injured. He recuperated at Starfleet Command providing analysis on combat logs to better inform Fleet Command on their strategic decision. He stayed in this role for five years and in 2378 he put in an application to once again go exploring again. Given his talents and experience he was quickly placed on the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
2373, 87th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starfleet Command (2373-2378)
USS Cornwallis [NCC-20918] (2373-2373)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 15th, 2351
Year of Birth
2351 30 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations