Lt. JG Ayda O'Sullivan (Ay-dah Oh-Sull-eh-van)

Ayda O'Sullivan serves as a tactical officer on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift)  

Psychological Profile

O'Sullivan is a fiery one. While she is very pleasant and hr colleagues have nothing but high remarks for her, she is not one to suffer silently. During her time at Starfleet Acadmey she blew the whistle on a grade fixing scandal even though it nearly cost her career. The superior officer accused of fixing grades did his best to discredit and drive out O'Sullivan but she stood her ground and eventually the facts backed up her testimony and the officer was expelled from Starfleet.   When the USS Cornwallis was destroyed she lost a lot of friends, including a fiance. While her physical injuries were easily healed it was quietly decided to keep her stationed back on Earth until she was ready to go out into space again. She served diligently if unremarkably during her time at Starfleet Command for someone who joined Starfleet to see the stars, just reading about the adventures and deeds of others is not always the most satisfying. She requested ship duty every single year but it wasn't until 2378 she was deemed psychologically ready to deal with another potential "Cornwallis" incident.  
NOTE: O'Sullivan has developed a close relationship with another survivor from the USS Cornwallis, Ens. Snow. In addition she has recently begun tutoring Cmn. Clement on tactical station operations.  

Biographical Overview

O'Sullivan grew up on Mars to a family of Starfleet ship engineers. She was immersed in Starfleet culture from a very young age although she showed more inclination to entering security/tactical rather than continuing the family tradition of shipyard engineers. She graduateed Starfleet Academy in 2370 and was assigned to the Miranda-class vessel USS Cornwallis. The Cornwallis served a "jack of all trades" utility function along the Cardassian Union border where it performed a wide variety of roles as needed. When the Doimion War triggered the USS Cornwallis was re-tasked as a medical ship to transport casualties away from the front lines. Unfortunately in 2373 the Cardaassians laid a trap, mimicking a Federation distress call to lure out Starfleet ships and then ambush them. The Cornwallis escaped but at great cost with over 300 crew killed in action. O'Sullivan was badly injured and was assigned to recover back on Starbase 646. Due to her firsthand experience in dealing with the Cardassians she was assigned to supporting the war effort back on Earth through Starfleet Tactial Command as an analyst. In 2378 she requested to be re-assigned to ship duty and was assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy
2370, 63rd Percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2375-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starfleet Tactical Command - Earth (2373-2378)
Starbase 646 - Patient (2373-2373)
USS Cornwallis [NCC-20918] (2370-2373)