Ens. Ziretho Ma Olan Ko 'Olan'

Ziretho Ma Olan Ko, commonly referred to as just Olan, serves as a science officer on the USS Orpheus specializing in xenobiology.  

Psychological Profile

Olan is very intelligent even among his peers but his approach to science is fundamentally self-taught giving him a unique outlook on the approach to problems. His peers often describe his methods as maddening bouts of chaos, intuition, and notes scribbled on every flat surface in the lab yet the output of his chaos cannot be ignored. He is generally quiet and soft spoken and has yet to find a real voice for himself requiring his supervising officers to drag ideas out of him. Over the past few years he has started making friends and expanding his social horizons and he seems to be getting more and more confident in his abilities and place within Starfleet every day. Olan suffers from an extreme amount of imposter syndrome and during discussions with his colleagues he has backed down from positions that he knew were correct in order to appease the others on his team.   NOTE: Several weeks ago Olan challenged Lt. T'Plair to a vulcan game of logic and beat her. Since then the two have become locked into an escalating series of challenges and rebuttals testing one another's logic and science reasoning skills.  

Biographical Overview

Olan was born on Xahea but far away from the civilization centers. He grew up in a rural farming community with very little modern technology or contact with the greater Federation. It wasn't until his mother was sick in 2357 that he got his first exposure to civilization. While his father was acquiring medicine, Olan was able to secure a datapad filled with a library's worth of literature which he proceeded to devour over the next six years. His homeschooling didn't qualify him for most graduate programs however during his time on the farm he had experimented with a new strain of parasite resistant wheat and he presented this to the Xahean Science Academy instead of a typical report card. In 2368 he was accepted into the Xahean Science Academy and by 2373 he had his PhD in Xenobiology. The positions available to him on Xahea weren't to his liking so that same year he applied to Starfleet Academy and was accepted. By transferring his credits over he was able to graduate in an abbreviate 2 year program as a junior science officer.
Starfleet Academy
2375, 93rd percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2375-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 6th, 2349
Year of Birth
2349 32 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations