Lt. T'Plair

T'Plair serves as a Senior Sensor Officer on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Okay I'm just going to come out and say it. I hate profiling Vulcans and while I can't prove it I swear the other psychologists somehow route all the Vulcans to me. I am responsible for every Vulcan on the Orpheus. There is no way that is just random. Ugh. Anyway Vulcans are stoic, repressed, uptight, and boring. Every question I ask is met with another question or a condescending look or some variation of "I am Vulcan, I do not have emotions." T'Plair is particularly aggrivating as she must have read up on Federation psychoanalytic methods and seems to derive some sick pleasure in frustrating every attempt at getting her to actually talk about her survivor issues. She had hundreds of friends and colleagues die in an instant and all she will say is "That was a tragedy" in the same monotonous tone she uses to order lunch from the replicator.   NOTE: Several weeks ago Ens. Olan challenged T'Plair to a vulcan game of logic and won. Since then the two have become locked into an escalating series of challenges and rebuttals testing one another's logic and science reasoning skills.  
NOTE: It appears that as part of handling the repressed trauma of the loss of the USS Majestic, T'Plai has been attending "extra" counseling sessions from Lt. Arud Baalbrix. Given his history this most likely means "physical" therapy.  

Biographical Overview

Born on some isolated colony, went into the science acadmey and couldn't cut it there so deigned to grace us mortals with her holier then thou presence. Fast tracked through Starfleet Academy because why would a Vulcan have to, you know, actually learn to deal with anyone else. In 2367 she had a stick surgically lodged up her rear end and it has grown stiffer ever since. She did some work on the Magestic and then it blew up during the Dominion War. She was one of a small group of survivors. Okay actually this was pretty cool, she and one of the engineers were part of a hull compartment that survived the explosion and they rigged together a battery and hotwired the structral integrity field to create a bubble. One of the scientists in the group rigged up a chemical oxygen generator and they survived for like... I dunno...12 hours or so with a dozen people crammed inside basically a couple of Jeffries tubes. All while she was missing half her face! Anway after that she had to recover at a Starbase and then was assigned to the Orpheus.

Alright alright, if she wasn't such a stuck up jerk there's actually a lot in her record that is kind of cool. Okay, Darron, now that you've got that out of your system it's time to do this recording for real. Oh hello sirt! What's that? Yeah sure I have time for lunch. Are we going to the...<inaudible>  

2378 Update - Captain Eradas

I have never in my career seen such an unprofessional report. I have filed an official complaint and flagged T'Plair's file for review. Such an outstanding officer deserves to be reepresented properly and not bear the burden of a disgruntled resource manager back in Starfleet airing out their, frankly speaking, xenophobic views on an official report. In lieu of a proper report let me give my view instead. I have worked with T'Plair for many years across several ships and it is an honor to have her on the Orpheus as a senior sensor specialist. She is highly intelligent, thorough in her work, and conducts herself with utmost discipline.
Starfleet Academy
2366, 82nd percentile Martial Status
Married (Sarvol)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Chatam (2374-2378)
Starbase 248 - Patient (2374-2374)
USS Majestic (2367-2374)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
July 17th, 2346
Year of Birth
2346 35 Years old
Eyck III
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations