Ero Drallen

Ero Drallen was the informal leader of the hidden settlement on Seku VI.
Founded as a refuge for those who wanted to escape the rules and regulations of the Federation, the colonists of Seku VI set up a hidden settlement in order to reap the benefits of Federation protection but stay under the radar. The settlement had no formal government, but Drallen was the son of the colony's founder and the rest of the settlers looked to him when a decision had to be made.   In 2376 a Morghi subspace beacon was activated, threatening to destroy the planet and attracting the attention of an Unknown Alien Dreadnaught. The USS Oberon was tasked with investigating the signal and peaceful contact was made with the settlers.   Given that their hidden home was no longer hidden, the settlers struck an agreement with the Federation to be allowed to peacefully re-settle quietly somewhere else.
Current Status
Year of Birth
2341 40 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations