Morghi (More-gi)

The Morghi were an ancient sentient species. While their homeworld is unkown, they were known to have lived on Corinthi 16-A and there are traces of their technology on planets all across the Typhon Expanse. Physically they appear similar to bipedal owls although it is unknown if this was their original form or their transcedant form.  

The War In The Heavens

The Morghi became warp-capable millions of years ago and quickly spread out throughout the Typhon Expanse. Eventually they encountered the Suka. The Suka were a species of intelligent hive-minded insects that were sentient but pre-warp. The Morghi decided to uplift the Suka and through the Morghi influence they rapidly developed Suka technology and society. The Suka turned out to be highly xenophobic and resentful of the Morghi interference and eventually the Suka initiatied a series of attacks against the Morghi, wiping out nearly half of their population and decimating Morghi society. With so many planets toxic ruins, the Morghi became a primarily space-dwelling species living on massive world ships that they could maneuver to stay far away from the front lines with the war with the Suka.   The Morghi eventually decided to stop directly fighting the war and began uplifting other species throughout the Typhon Expanse to serve as workesrs and soldiers instead. Their genetic influence can be seen on species such as the Djomar, Kel-Azaan, Scyldari, Yondar and Lormeans.   The Suka responded by creating their own armies of biological soldiers, resulting in the Xanids, the Tzynn and the Hazbuzi.   The so called War in the Heavens went on for thousands of years but the Morghi began to get a distinct advantage and the Suka were on the retreat. The Suka released one last biological weapon, the Zuul. Incredibly dangerous yet highly unstable, the Zuul ended up turning on the Suka and destroying them from within. They also devestated the Morghi populations and threatened to overwhelm the entire Expanse.  

The Rise of the Machines

The Zuul proved to be almost unstoppable and the Morghi, fearing for thier own lives and the lives of the species they uplifted, turned to artificial intelligence to create the perfect defense force to contain the Zuul threat. They created the XT Series to combat the Zuul and wipe them from the galaxy. Upon the conclusion of the war the Morghi removed themselves from the galactic community, creating the Voor Technocracy as a facade and putting automated defenses in place to isolate themselves from the rest of the Expanse.  


Eventually the Morghi decided to use their advanced technology to create a transcendance project to elevate their entire species into a higher plane of existence. To fulfill this project they needed vast amounts of energy and sentient thought. They picked up the pieces of the various biological species that had been created during their war with the Suka and set about subtely influencing them so they would all become technologically advanced and spread out among the Expanse to create that psychic pool that would be needed.   Eventually it seems the project was completed and the entire Morghi population disappeared execept for a single being, The One Left Behind.  

The One Left Behind

In order to maintain the conditions needed to maintain transcendence, The One Left Behind performed subtle manipulations of the various species and governments in order to maximize the energy and sentient thoughts available in the Typhon Expanse while also preventing any one species from getting powerful enough that it could challenge the Voor Technocracy drones and gain access to the Morghi technology that remained behind and potentialy disrupt their transcendance project.
These influences and interferences include:
  • Triggering the AI revolt that caused Ascendancy to destroy its parent civilization
  • The Board of Orbis Customer Synergies driving the company to destroy the Xanids from within and to accumulate and then withhold technology from across the sector
  • Advanced Sensor Technology for the Hazbuzi that allowed the Morghi to control where the pirates would concentrate and raid.
  • Advanced Weapons Technology that allowed the Tzynn Star Empire to wage war on both the XT-489 and the Starlight Alliance.

A Fate Unknown

With the death of The One Left Behind and the complete sealing of Corinthi 16-A the ultimate fate of the Morghi has yet to be determined. Will their technology allow them to continue to exist in a higher plane, or will their tech eventually fail causing the project to terminate with unknown consequences.