
Glory is the homeworld of the Tzynn species and the capital of the Tzynn Star Empire.   Glory has an unusual surface covered in rare maganese dust that creates a red-pink hue to their atmosphere as the dust is blown around. The planet has huge deposits of metal located close to the surface and from the cratered surface it looks like it was bombarded by a large amount of asteroids sometime early in its development. These ore deposits helped fuel the rise of the Tzynn Empire as they were able to industrialize quite early thanks to easy access to normally rare minerals.   Currently Glory is covered by continent spanning cities housing nearly a trillion Tzynn. The super-high density of their industrial base has rendered the atmosphere almost completely toxic and the native ecosystem is in complete collapse. The Tzynn have responded by building massive hive cities, concentrating their population even further inside of massive self-contained environments where massive air and water purifiers operate to filter out the toxic elements.