
The Tzynn are a warp-capable species of reptillians from Glory.  


Ancient history indicates that the Tzynn were bio-engineered as soldiers for the Suka in their war against the Morghi. Eventually the Suka switched over to using the Zuul as their primary soldiers and the Tzynn were retasked to do manual labor and resource extraction for the Suka.   Once the Suka were defeated and driven out of this plane of existence the Morghi stepped back and let natural development occur. The Xanid Suzerainty expanded and conquered the Tzynn turning them into factory workers due to their high endurance and natural heat resistance. When the Xanids went into decline the Tzynn broke away forming the Tzynn Star Empire which quickly began its own campaing of conquest coming into conflict with both the Starlight Alliance and the XT-489 Exterminators.   In 2378 the Tzynn fortress world of Bastion fell to the XT-489 resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of Tzynn. Since then the Tzynn have suffered catastrophic defeats as the Starlight Alliance retakes lost territory and the XT-489 continue to advance.    


The Tyznn are a reptillian race covered in a thick scaley skin that makes them highly resistant to heat and energy, including phaser fire. They are cold-blooded and suffer in cold environments but they have specialized organs that can provide temporary bursts of heat in order to combat the effects of extreme cold for a short while. They are a predatory species and have four eyes. The innermost pair of eyes have very acute vision able to see much farther than humans. The outermost eyes lack central vision but are specialized towards movement and darkness giving them an advantage when trying to find their pray. Their large mouths have multiple rows of teeth similar to a shark and they shed and replace teeth continuously so they remain sharp. A typical Tzynn is larger than a humanoid, standing around 6'4 and weighing about 250lbs. Tzynn continuously grow as they get older becoming taller and stronger and it is not uncommon for older Tzynn to be well over 7' tall. The Tzynn are very sensitive to heat and it is believed that in the distant path their ancestors hunted by rudimentary thermal senses.   [h2[Society & Culture Tzynn society is highly hierarchical around the belief that the strong prey on the weak. Slavery is considered a natural extension of this and anyone weak enough to become enslaved deserves to be enslaved, their labors and lives going towards supporting the strongest among the Tyznn. In their society the highest reaches of government can only be held by Tzynn who have served in the military and military accomplishments are the primary way that political leaders are judged. This has created a highly aggressive society that views surrounding species with contempt, especially the ones deemed weaker than the Tzynn.
Tzynn music has a strong thermal component to it and Tzynn opera carefully modulates the temperature to accompany the music as different temperatures can invoke different emotions within the Tzynn. Tzynn artwork has been described as very brutalist and some Earth art historians have drawn parallels between Tzynn classical art and USSR propaganda posters.