Tzynn Star Empire

The Tzynn Star Empire was formed shortly after the Tzynn won their freedom during the great slave revolts of 2270 against the Xanid Suzerainty. The Tzynn were a hardworking and industriousu species responsible for most of the Xanid's heavy industrial operations and quickly expanded across the upper reaches of the Typhon Expanse to secure the resources necessary to build up a military to ensure they would never be subjugated again.   In 2347 during this period of expansion that the Tzynn encountered XT-489 and first contact swiftly turned into open warfare. The Tzynn were quickly pushed back losing dozens of systems before the XT-489 could be slowed. Desperate for more resources and massive amounts of labor needed to harvest the raw resources for their vast forge worlds, the Tzynn declared war on the neighboring Starlight Alliance, quickly overwhelming their limited border defenses and securing billions of laborers to feed their foges.
With their industrial output boosted by 2362 the Tzynn had fought the XT-489 to a standstill and set up a series of fortified defenses along the border. While the XT-489 front took up the vast majority of their military resources, they were still able to engage and overwhelm the Starlight alliance and by 2377 the Starlight Alliance was on the verge of complete collapse.   In 2378 however a Tzynn commander opened fire on an Orbis Customer Synergies supply station accidentally destroying the Orbis Board of Directors in the process. Orbis charged the Tzynn massively for this attack and the resulting disruption in supplies gave the XT-489 the opportunity to finally pierce the fortress world Bastion's defenses after nearly 20 decades of conflict.   Once again the Tzynn lost dozens of worlds and hundreds of billions of lives before a new defensive line could be established. Meanwhile the Starlight Alliance has seized the initiative to regain some of their lost territory and free their citizens that have been toiling away in the mines and farms of the Tzynn.
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members