Heavenly Speaker Y'Ritha Sakeeris

Y'Ritha Sakeeris serves as the Heavenly Speaker, Illuminated Scholar of Yondar, Oracle of the Celestial Codex, Guardian of the Sacred Verses, Custodian of Divine Wisdom, Mistress of Heavenly Discourse, Wielder of the Incandescent Quill, Herald of Radiant Revelation, Sentinel of the Astral Archives, Voice of Sanctified Scriptures, Keeper of the Luminous Lore, Conduit of Celestial Rhetoric, The Devout Custodian of Haakanuri's Word, Eminence of Resplendent Theology, and Illuminatrix of the Ascended Knowledge.   She represents the scholar and priesthoods of Yondar devoted towards memorizing the 1,537 sacred tomes and texts to be able to recall any passage from any book from memory in order to support or condemn another Yondar's actions.   Like many speakers, Sakeeris was raised in a secluded monastary and wasn't allowed outside until she had passed tests of knowledge to represent the Speakers. Due to her keen memory and creative interpretation of passages she became undefeated in harrum, the ancient Yondar duels where combatants attack and defend with holy words, not weapons.   In 2374 she defeated the previous Heavenly Speaker in a duel in order to ascend as the highest scholar and Queen Haakanuri's trusted advisor clearing the way through holy word for the Queen's orders to become law.
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