Kingdom of Yondarim

The Kingdom of Yondarim is the monarchy of the Yondar.
The Kingdom of Yondar has existed for thousands of years. The Yondar have destroyed their pre-Kingdom history so as far as the Yondar are concerned, the Kingdom of Yondarim has always existed. The central point of their government is the Queen, a Yondar elevated to mythological significance as the bearer of the mandate of heaven, the divine right to rule and enact the will of The One True God.   The power structure below the queen is split into four groups: Speakers, Paladins, Beacons, and Purifiers.   The Speakers are religious scholars who have memorized the 10,000 holy writs and are able to summon a holy verse to support the Queen at every turn and to cast down her enemies as heretics. In addition to being responsible for sermons and masses, they also function as the lawyers of Yondar society as legalality is determined by the usage of holy verses.

  The Paladins function as both soldiers and police operating to guard and protect as well as fight on the front lines of the Starlight Alliance in their wars against the Tzynn Star Empire and XT-489 Exterminators.   The Beacons function as spies and diplomats, and Yondar society does not differentiate between the two roles. The Beacons are the best spies and assassins within the Typhon Expanse, their skills honed through millenia of political backstabbing in a society where the only crime is getting caught.   The Purifiers are the smallest faction and seem to wield little power or influence yet their word is absolute. Aesthetic monks that swear away any personal identity, family, or personal possessions, they turn themselves over to the Order of the Flame, an armed and armored society of monks whose purpose is to purge the heretics and the unworthy from the ranks of Yondar society. Their word is absolute and even the rich and powerful fear the gaze of the Purifiers. The Purifier motto is Purification through Immolation. The Order of the Flame believes that all sins against The One True God can be burned away by cleansing fire and they view burning criminals and heretics as a mercy because it cleans away their sin and lets these otherwise lost souls pass through the gates of heaven.