IRW Raknor

The IRW Raknor is a D'deridex class Romulan warbird. The D'deridex-class warbird was classified as a battle cruiser by Starfleet. Using a forced quantum singularity as a power source and the latest in Romulan cloaking technology, the D'deridex was not only one of the most advanced vessels in the Romulan Star Empire, but also in the Alpha Quadrant. These warbirds were roughly twice as long as a Federation Galaxy-class starship with a lower overall maximum warp.   The primary directed energy weapons array of a warbird was located in its "head", and consisted of a disruptor array, capable of firing both beams and pulses, which also appears to have been shared with a torpedo launcher. Three additional weapon arrays were located, one each, along the top of the upper "neck" support, along the bottom of the lower "neck" support, and at the tip of the "nose".

Power Generation

  • Powered by 1 artificial singularity-drive warp core


  • Cruise: Warp 5
  • Maximum: Warp 9
  • Emergency: Warp 9.5 for 10 hours

Weapons & Armament

  • 6 x Class 21 disruptor cannon, total output 65,000 TeraWatts
  • 12 x S2 photon torpedo tube w/ 800 rounds

Armor and defense

  • Standard shield system, total capacity 2,295,000 TeraJoules
  • Standard Duranium / Tritanium Double hull plus 11 cm High density armour.
  • Standard level Structural Integrity Field
772.43 m
1,041.65 m
285.47 m
4,320,000 metric tons (estimated)
Warp 5 (under cloak)
Complement / Crew
1,500 troops and officers