Cmdr. Mheven (Meh-ven)


Psychological Profile

Mheven is above all else a ███████ ████ of the ███████ ████ ████████. Although she can be considered ████████ to the ████████ of the █████ ███████ this should never be ████████ as █████████. Behind her █████ lies a █████ ███████ that will ███████ any ████████ that is ████████. Her ████████ noted some ████████ at her ██████ ███████ however none could ███████ the ████████ of her █████. She is a █████ ████████ for the ███████████ and should be considered for ██████ ███████ with ██████ of the █████ █████. Her ability to ███████ ████████ others and appear ████████ allows her to ████████ make ███████ that she can later ███████ for the purposes of her █████████.  

Biographical Overview

Mheven was born on ██████████ as the daughter to prominent ███ ██████ █████████. She demonstrated extreme aptitude towards ██████████ and was pointed towards the ██████ Academy to further develop her aptitude towards ██████████. It was at █████████ that she came to the attention of ████████ who took her on as a mentor and helped align her career in ███████.   In ████ she enrolled at the Romulan Naval Academy where she specialized in ██████████. In ████ she saved the life of ██████ and ████████ when █ █████ █████ started to █████████. Her ability to ████████ was instrumental in saving ████████████ and avoiding █████████████.   Upon graduation she was assigned to the ██████████ during the ██████████████████. She ██████████████ and showed ███████████████. Her mentor, █████, continued to support her despite ████ being ███████. In 2074 when the Romulans joined the Federation during the Dominion War she transferred to the █████ ██████ where she fought at the Battle of the ████████ and the Battle over █████████. While ████ ███████ was █████████ she nevertheless was able to █████ at her ███████.   In █████ she was given command of the IRW Raknor tasked with █████████ the ██████████ ███████ ██████ against Federation ███████. It was during this recent command that she was █████████ by ██████ ██████ concerning a possible ██████████ along with the ███████ of a █████████ ███████ ████.   When she ██████████ the ███ █████████ another Federation ████ the ███ ███████ responded to the ███████ ████ and was able to conduct ████████ ██████ that ███████ the ████████. Despite her █████████ she conducted herself in a way that enabled the Romulan Star Empire to ███████ a significant ███████████ in regards to the appearance of the Unknown Alien Dreadnaught.   Mheven was sent to Earth to negotiate with the Federation regarding a joint Federation-Romulan exploration expedition into the Typhon Expanse. As per ████ ███████ recommendations ███ ████████ that command of the operation be given to Cpt. Lewis and supplemented with ████████ from the ██████████.   As part of this arrangement Mheven along with her support team would be stationed on the Nightingale as both observers and liasons to the Romulan Star Empire.  

2378 Update - Cpt. Lewis

In 2378 a confrontation occured between Lt. JG Racine and Cnt. Durim where Durim killed Racine claiming self-defense. When starfleet security attempted to apprehend Durim for questioning he triggered a series of sabotages to disable the ship and escape in a stolen shuttle. Mheven claimed to have no knowledge of Durim's actions and with advisement from the rest of the senior officers I have allowed Mheven to stay albeit with severely restricted access to the ship's systems. Mheven has agreed to these harsher terms with the hope that her continued presence on the mission will help ensure that the joint Federation-Romulan expedition can continue.  

2379 Update - Adm. Shepherd

With the dissolution of the Federation-Romulan joint-expedition, Mheven departed the Nightingale to go back to Romulan territory. Later when the Romulan Civil War occurred, Mheven sent a distress call as her warbird had been disabled by a rebel, Cmdr. Chonsor. The USS Orpheus crossed the Neutral Zone to render aid, disabling Chonsor's ship and rescuing Mheven allowing her to rally the loyalist Romulan forces and disrupt Shinzon's plans to invade the Federation.
Romulan Naval Academy
████, ██th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-Present) Previous Assignments
IRW Raknor (████ - 2377)
████████ (████ - ████)
████████████ █████ (████ - ████)
████████ ██████ (████ - ████)
███ █████████ (████ - ████)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
████████ ███, 2270
Year of Birth
2270 111 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations