Jaro Irda

Jaro Irda was the wife of Jaro Essa. By 2376 Irda and Essa had been married and Essa had taken over control of Irda's family mining operation, Lamerck Mining. They seemed to quickly come to disagreements on how the company should be operated and Essa removed Irda from influence in company operations.
In 2376 she was secretly planning on filing for divorce from Essa but was concerned that Essa would either retain control of Lamerck Mining or split it in half effectively destroying her family business. While Essa was visiting Deep Space 9, Irda snuck on board under the alias of Kashin Thana in order to break into Essa's computer and gather information that could be used in the divorce settlement to retain control of her family company.
When Essa was murdered, Irda became a suspect due to her proximity to the murder scene and being discovered traveling under a false alias. Her alibi was that she was accessing his private terminal at the time of the murder but it wasn't until it was determined that Krate Xordea killed Essa in self-defense that Irda was cleared.   With the death of her husband, Irda resumed control of Lamerck Mining and has successfully negotiated a benefiicial arrangement with the Independent Mining Union to resolve the worker's strike and Lamerck is once again a chief supplier of dilithium to the Federation.
Year of Birth
2326 55 Years old