Krate Xordea

Krate Xordea currently serves as a minister for Bajor.   Krate grew up in a poor mining disrict on Bajor under Cardassian Union occupation. Her family dutifully served for years in the mines and in 2354 when she was deemed old and strong enough she too began to serve in the mines. When Cardassia departed Bajor in 2369 she used her connections among the miners to create a mining union and by 2374 she was a known name across labor unions around the planet. In 2376 she was appointed a Secretary of Labor for the Bajoran Council and she was tasked with trying to find a compromise between Lamerck Minerals under the command of Jaro Essa and the striking miners under their leader Toha Pobac.   During these negotiations, Jaro was murdered and due to comments she had mentioned surrounding how difficult Jaro was, Krate became a suspect. A Starflet investigation discovered that Krate had killed Jaro but it was ruled self-defense and the matter was closed.

[h2[2377 Update In 2377 Krate won a Minister seat for Bajor. Analysts had originally predicted a close loss for her but when the story was leaked about how she had killed Jaro, a small but sufficient portion of the Bajoran hardliners switched their vote to her and she won the seat.
Current Status
Year of Birth
2342 39 Years old