Toha Pobac

Toha Pobac was the leader of a local mining guild that went on strike in 2376.   Toha used to be an independent miner but retired from that profession to become the head of an Independent Miner union that was looking to reduce the fees and licensing costs associated with independent mining to avoid being run out by the larger corporations like Lamerck Mining.   Despite voicing harsh opinions about Lamerck in general and Jaro Essa in particular, after a meeting on Deep Space 9 it seemed like Toha was softening and was making plans to reverse some of his earlier demands. Then Jaro was murdered.   Toha was briefly a suspect but was cleared when his alibi of drinking at Quark's put him elsewhere at the time of the murder. During the investigation that revealed Krate Xordea killed Jaro in self-defense, it also came to light that four years ago during a protest against expansion of mining rights for corporations, Toha planted a bomb to sabotage some mining equipment. The bomb was intended to go off after hours to avoid any casualties but a mistake in the timer caused it to detonate twelve hours early killing three people, including the brother of one of the Bajoran ministers. Toha had mostly covered his tracks but Jaro uncovered the crime and was using it to blackmail Toha into negotiating a deal with the independent miners that would be very favorable towards Lamerck.
After Jaro was killed, Toha stepped down from his position on the mining union. With the evidence of his past crimes becoming known the Bajoran government issued a warrant for his arrest but he had already left Bajor for parts unknown.
Current Status
Year of Birth
2338 43 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations