
Lenaria was a planet home to a pre-warp civilization. In 2377 the USS Nightingale responded to a primitive distress signal from the Lenarians. The Lenarians were entering into their spaceflight era and had discovered that autonomous mining drones sent by Ascendancy were targeting their system for strip mining operations. Ordinarly the drones were programmed to systems with life however an unknown agent of Orbis Customer Synergies had hacked the drones to override the safety controls and redirect shipments towards Orbis space instead.   The Nightingale was able to disable the drones and although the Prime Directive was violated, the breaches were forgiven as the Lenarians were already being tampered with by another warp-civilization. The Lenarians lost most of their solar system orbital bodies but the Nightingale left behind the location of an extensive resource depot the Lenarians could use once they were ready to traverse their solar system.