Orbis Customer Synergies

Orbis Customer Synergies is one of the largest coporate entities operating in the Typhon Expanse.     Originally part of the Xanid Suzerainty, OCS grew steadily in power while the Xanid government declines. Bolstered by deals with the Hazbuzi syndicates and exploiting the star sectors that the Xanids abandoned, Orbis soon became one of the leading suppliers of the Xanids capturing 87% of total GDP market share at their highest mark. Using the profits generated from his market capture they lobbied the Xanid government to create economic free zones and trade exclusion zones and allow OCS to build up its own private security force. The Xanids saw little danger  in this and while officially all of OCS still serves under the Xanid Empire, in practice almost 15% of the Xanid Empire is entirely taken over by OCS and the corporation is showing little sign of slowing down in its growth.   OCS operates under three core philosophies:  

Profits Come First

OCS  spends little effort in pretending that it isn't entirely driven by profits. If those profits are through funding terrorists  or Hazubzi pirates or creating addictive new designer drugs that rot the Xanid Empire from within,  than so be it. Someone's going to be making that money and that someone had better be OCS. While most people know OCS as the supplier of energy drinks or designer clothing or their strings of luxury hotels and casinos they have their hands in every market sector. Drugs (recreational and medical), cybernetics and weapons are all on the table. In fact there have been several instances recently where OCS was caught supplying both the police and the criminals, the military and rebel factions. Such is their control that OCS can get away with  just a slap on the wrist and a promise to better next time and they can wait out the next news cycle and go right back to making money.  

Brand Loyalty

OCS views brand loyalty as critical to their success and they spend a tremendous amount of marketing on creating the "OCS Lifestyle". Their goal is that customers wake up in OCS beds, put on OCS clothes, go to OCS jobs in their OCS transportation, eat OCS food for breakfast lunch and dinner etc.  

Information  Control

Normally OCS puts their branding one everything but when it comes to the mass media they are far more subtle about the fact that they control every major (and most minor) news and media sources  within  Xanid. This allows them to craft public opinion and help  keep any scandals or issues off  the  radar or with the right positive spin attached to it.
Notable Members