Lt. Caspar Reinhartz

Caspar Reinhartz was an engineering officer assigned to the USS Orpheus. In 2379 he was killed in the line of duty.  

Psychological Profile

Despite his skills as an engineer, Reinhartz is stricken heavily by "imposter syndrome". This makes him measured and considerate in his actions but his psychological counseling sessions often run long working to process the various amounts of stress and guilt that arises because he is, in his view, an insufficient engineer. While this does drive him to excel the stress this pressure he puts on himself causes is unsustainable. Luckily it seems that his recent marriage is bolstering his self-esteem considerably. His reasoning is that if he is good enough for her, he is good enough for his position and this attitude is to be encouraged to help ground him and avoid long-term stress.    

Biographical Overview

Reinhartz was born on Cestus III where his parents worked as science researchers. Despite some early indicators that he would be following in that path, once he became exposed to more advanced concepts in math and physics he veered off into more of the "application" of science instead of staying in the theoretical space. He excelled academically and applied to the Starfleet engineering program and was accepted. In 2372 he met Avital Dreyfus who also had come from Cestus III and the two developed a closed relationship, In 2369 upon graduation, Reinhartz was assigned to assisting the USS Ampere with technical testing however the prototype equipment installed proved to be very problematic and taxing and he spent the next four years doing emergency repairs. When the USS Orpheus launched in 2373 he applied to be a senior damage control officer and, given the experiences on the USS Ampere, he was accepted. In 2375, Avital Dreyfus joined the crew of the Orpheus as well and in 2378 the couple were married.   In 2379 just three months after their ceremony the Orpheus attempted to follow Ferengi ships through the Hellsmouth Nebula which ended up being a trap. The ship experienced heavy damage and Reinhartz was killed by the same plasma overload the killed Cmdr. McCord.
Starfleet Academy Class
2369, 72nd percentile
Martial Status
Married (Avital Reinhartz])
Current Assignment
Previous Assignments
USS Orpheus (2373-2379)
USS Ampere [NCC-54651] (2369-2373)
Current Status
Date of Birth
October 20th, 2346
2346 2379 33 years old
Cestus III
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations