Lt. JG Avital Reinhartz

Avital Reinhartz is a junior science officer on the USS Orpheus specializing in Xenoarcheology.  

Psychological Profile

Reinnhartz is a fantastic joy to talk to. She is open, engaging, and honest with herself in a very refreshing way. She isn't overly critical nor lienient from herself and shows tremendous aptitude toward integrating constructive criticism and feedback and translating that into improved behaviors. The only cause for concern is that recent life events seem to be a major distraction for her. Prior to this, her engagement and upcoming marriage were the primary topics of conversation and she had to be redirected multiple times to addressing her feelings specific to her role here in Starfleet. Now that hse is married she spent her entire counseling session talking about what room layout she would want to pick when she officially moves her berthing in with her husband. Enthusiasim is to be expected during this honeymoon period but supervising officers should keep an eye out for if this distraction could cause problems at work.   NOTE: Reinhartz is currently flagged for extensive re-evaluation due to the recent death of her husband. She has been cleared for duty but consider the previous psychological profile to be out-of-date.    

Biographical Overview

Reinhartz grew up on the stragetically positioned colony Cestus III located as a major stronghold on the edge of Gorn space. He family were logistics administrators that were quite busy due to the key trade routes that passed through Cestus. Due to her travlese around the region she was exposed to a wide variety of alien cultures and due to the Gorn presence there were a lot of ancient ruins that her family explored in their free time. This interest in alien cultures and history paved a clear path into Starfleet Sciences where she excelled. She entered Starfleet Academy in 2371 and in 2375 she graduated among the top in her class.  

2379 Update - Cpt. Eradas

Reinhartz has recently experienced a tremendous tragedy. She had been engaged to Lt. Reinhartz and I had the honor of marrying them in 2378. Unfortunately just three months after their ceremony the Orpheus attempted to follow Ferengi ships through the Hellsmouth Nebula which ended up being a trap. The ship experienced heavy damage and her husband as part of an entire engineering team, was killed.   She was placed on the USS Orpheus to help study and catalog alien cultures and historical sights as part of the Orpheus' pathfinding missions exploring the perimiter of the Hellsmouth Nebula.
Starfleet Academy Class
2375, 94th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2375-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 22nd, 2353
Year of Birth
2353 28 Years old
Cestus III
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations