Lt. Cmdr. Luisa Escribano

Luisa Escribano serves as a senior science officer on the USS Orpheus specializing in Xenoarcheology.  

Psychological Profile

Escribano is a focused and dedicated officer. When she puts her mind to a task it becomes as keen as a drilling laser. This has allowed her to accomplish tremendous things, especially in pursuit of stolen artifacts as part of the Special Operations Division of Starfleet but it can also blind her to her surroundings. She has difficulty switching focus and especial difficulty letting things go. She has held onto personal quests for over a decade, biding her time until she had the resources to accomplish her task. She is excellent and long term strategic thinking and making patient and well-measured decisions. Unfortunately this focus and dedication comes at a cost and if she is not given an assignment or project that draws her focus she can be listless and irritable. As part of coping with the betrayal of her ex-partner from Special Operations, she has turned to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Based on her consumption rate there isn't a concern about addiction or impairment but instead most of her recent psych sessions have focused on her studies of rare alien wines making it difficult to understand her current state of mind.  

Biographical Overview

Escribano was born on Earth in 2349. Her parents were museum curators and she grew up around artifacts gathered from ancient civilizations all across the world. In 2356 when she was 7 years old thieves broke into the gallery and stole a majority of the collection. Escribano became obsessed with recovering the relics and made repeated inquiries to both her teachers and Starfleet officials trying to track down where the relics had ended up. Starfleet was unable to find where the relics had been smuggled off to and Escribano returned to her studies frustrated at both her lack of power and influence as well as Starfleet's lack of resolution. She thrived in her studies, specializing in xenohistory and xenoanthropology and specializing in such a niche field gave her quick acceeptence into Starfleet Academy in 2368. During her time at the Academy there were several incidents of security breaches as she attempted to re-open the investigation from a decade prior and in 2369 she stole a shuttle and disappeared from Federation space for three weeks. When she returned and reported in front of the administrative board she presented the relics she had recovered. She wasn't able to re-acquire every item that had been stolen but she had recovered a majority of the collection including several of the most valuable and important pieces. The inquiry board took several weeks to respond and were prepared to expel her from the Academy but Starfleet Science Special Operations interceded, instead fast tracking her graduation and having her work for them. She graduated in 2369 and became an artifact recovery specialist for Starfleet Command, operating outside of Fedeartion space to preserve and recover historical artifacts that had been lost or stolen.   In 2376 there was an incident where she was ambushed during a routine recovery operation and upon investigation she discovered that her partner, Ejia Vauias. Vauias was discovered to have been operating a black market smuggling ring and Escribano was growing too close to his operation. He attmepted to kill her several times but she survived and exposed his crimes. Vauias was sentenced to twenty years at a Federation penal colony but hired mercenaries helped him escape before he arrived.   In 2377 when the case against Vauias had concluded, Escribano requested an exploration assignment and transferred from Special Operations to the USS Orpheus to assist in its exploration of the Hellsmouth Nebula.
Starfleet Academy
2369, 64th Percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2377-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starfleet Command - Special Operations (2369-2377)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
June 12th, 2349
Year of Birth
2346 35 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations