Lt. Cmdr. Tamass "Tammy" Sh'zhahlar

Tammy serves as a senior science officer on the USS Orpheus, specializing in xenobiology.  

Psychological Profile

Tammy is brilliant, a singular mind that stands out among the sea of exceptional talent the Federation brings in every year. Her intuition in regarard to foreign biological functions is uncanny and she has a ntural ability to not let her thoughts get stuck with unwarranted assumptions. By addressing the facts as they are instead of what Federation scientists think reality should be is what allowed her to achieve so much at such a young age. Her analysis around the sentient plants she discovered is revolutionary and many other scientists in her position would transfer off of exploration duty and go back to one scientific institute or another to turn this discovery into a life's work but Tammy is seemingly happy handing this off to other researchers and continue to explore the unknwon. This briliance however comes at a cost and Tammy is very uncomfortable in social situations. Due to her abilities a team has been assigned to her but there have been ongoing struggles for her ot delegate tasks to team members or ot address problems or conflicts as they arise. If she can develop her social skills further she could go down as a generation defining scientist in the Federation. If not, her accomplishments will likely be noteworthy but only among certain niche circles.  

Biographical Overview

Tammy was born in 2352 a family that administered a mining facility on Andoria. From a young age her aptitude in science was recognized and she was put on a fast track to conclude her primary education by the time she was 12 and she was enrolled into graduate programs at the Andorian Science Institute. She gained an advanced degree in xenobiology but upon graduation she applied for Starfleet, turning down numerous research positions in the process. Her time at Strafleet was a struggle however. She came in with an advanced education and her talent in science was undisputable but she struggled with team work and group projects which make up a large volume of work at Starfleet Academy. Still, she was able to graduate in the upper half and in 2374 she was placed on the USS Orpheus to help study the various native lifeforms of the Gamma Quadrant. During her first away mission in 2375 her team was incapacitated due to a surprise attack by previously unknown predators and she had to single-handedly defend the survivors and salvage enough material to make a crude transponder. She was promoted to Lieutenant that very year as part of recognition for her bravery and skill and in 2378 she was promoted to Lieutenant Commander in order to assign her a full research team to study the Zuul that had been discovered by the USS Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy Class
2374, 54th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2374-Present)
Previous Assignments
Andorian Science Institute (2364-2370)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 21st, 2352
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations