Lt. JG Chok Zav Vaalim (Chalk Zav Vale-eem)

Chok Zav Vaalim serves as the maintenance administrator on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Zav Vaalim likes to fly under the radar and often seems to just be part of the crowd but once he feels comfortable enough the daredevil showman of his youth emerges. He is bold, loquacious and when the mood strikes him, quite reckless and dangerous. He keeps it very well controlled but he is a born thrillseeker and if it wasn't for the death of his partner and friend he likely would have spent decades doing death defying stunts for the crowds of Risa. Recently Lt. JG Skol has begun getting lessons in acrobatics from Zav Vaalim.    

Biographical Overview

Zav Vaalim was born on Risa, a pleasure world known for its beauty and luxury. However someone has to keep the power relays running and the holographic sunsets looking beautiful and over the years a small enclave of Tellarite administrators and engineers have migrated to Risa in order to ensure the galaxy has a perfect stay. Zav Vaalim is the son of some of these first Tellarite migrants and while his parents worked in the power plants he got to experience a picturesque vacation resort every single day. In 2358 he and another boy, Xavraar Xogh, developed an acrobatics routine as a way to have some fun. Some passing tourists saw them flipping one another around and applauded them. The next day a crowd formed and as the years went on the duo became an attraction, calling themselfves the Incredible Voghs (a portmanteau of their last names). By 2366 the Incredible Voghs were an attraction of their own and tourists would travel the quadrant to see one of their shows.   Tragedy befell the duo when in 2367, Zav Vaalim attempted to integrate daredevil cliff diving their routine. Zav Vaalim made the plunge without incident but during a backflip Xogh's head struck an outcropping, killing him. Zav Vaalim retired the act and focused on his academics. In 2368 he graduated his primary education and enrolled in Starfleet becoming an engineering officer. Due to his expertise in large system operation he was assigned to Starbase 507 during its upgrade. When the upgrade was complete he stayed on for several more years but in 2378 he accepted a promotion and a transfer to the USS Nightingale overseeing the entire ship's maintenance schedules.
Starfleet Academy
2371, 52nd percentile Martial Status
Married (Tula Zav Vaalim, 1 child)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 507 (2371-2378)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
July 9th, 2350
Year of Birth
2350 31 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations