Lt. JG Skol

Skol serves as the Third Officer and is responsible for the USS Orpheus during Gamma Shift (12pm - 8am).  

Psychological Profile

Skol, like most Vulcans, is incredibly reserved when it comes to talking about personal issues. It has only been through years of building a report that he finally revealed that his relationship with T'Yry has been very taxing on both his mental state and thus on his performance and he has been secretly struggling with this for decades. He has the potential for being a brilliant officer and likely would be a Captain by now if his trubulent marriage didn't divide his attention. He frequently takes last minute leave of duties to head back to Vulcan to try and mend things with his wife and when he returns from one of these "vacation" his work performance suffers for weeks or even months. Sadly by the time he gets back into his groove he gets called back to Vulcan starting the cycle over again. The official recommendation is for his superiors to be open and available to offering personal advice and to continue to steer him towards professional marriage counseling. Until he can recognize the toll his martial troubles are taking on him, he will likely continue to be an inconsistent performer and likely be stuck as a junior officer for many years to come.   NOTE: Skol seems to have recently uncovered Lt. JG Zav Vaalim's past history as an acrobat and the two have been doing joint holodeck sessions as Skol learns from Zav Vaalim.    

Biographical Overview

Skol was born into a remote enclave of farmers on Vulcan. He seemed destined for a quiet life of simple and industrious life but when news reached him about the atrocities being committed by the Cardassian Union upon the occupied Bajorans he decided that a life of isolation was not the most efficient use of his abilities. His academic work was impeccible and in 2352 he was accepted into Starfleet Academy. By doubling his credits each semester he was able to graduate in two years while maintaining high grades. Due to his drive and abilities he was taken aside and put into a leadership development program that typically put its candidates into command position within 10-15 years. He was assigned to the USS Holbrooke as a tactical officer on the USS Holbrooke where he oversaw half a dozen first contact and diplomatic operations. In 2358 he was engaged to be wed to his wife, T'Yry, but her parents were displeased with their daughter marrying someone bound to Starfleet. Skol voluntarily left the leadership development program in 2359 and requested planetside assignment eventually becoming an analyst within Starfleet Command on Vulcan. In 2362 he was married and in 2363 his son was born. In 2366 he requested to rejoin exploration missions and was assigned to the USS Majestic in 2366 where he served for six years. During this time his performance remained inconsistent and he was denied promotions by Cpt. Oh every year. He eventually requested transfer to the USS Nakula in 2372 where he served during the Dominion War. Finally in 2376 while still being a Lt. JG he was requested by Cpt. Eradas to serve on the USS Orpheus as Third Officer.  

2378 Update - Captain Eradas

I know Starfleet shrinks have a lot of issues with Vulcan and Vulcans don't make it easy by keeping their personal lives so quiet but under my guidance I have gotten Skol to start to open up about the difficulties he is facing in his personal life and I feel that he is on a good path to getting his career back on track.
Starfleet Academy
2354, 81st percentile Martial Status
Married (T'Yry, 1 child)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nakula (2372-2376)
USS Majestic (2366-2372)
Starfleet Strategic Command - Vulcan (2362-2366)
Starfleet Command (Earth) (2360-2362)
USS Holbrooke (2354-2360)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
June 21st, 2334
Year of Birth
2334 47 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations