Lt. JG Esheviar 'Chevy' Th'shreqahr

Esheviar 'Chevy' Th'shreqahr serves as a subspace theorist on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Chevy is a gifted engineer who has taken his engineering knowledge so far that it caused him to transfer departments and become a scientist designing the next generation of engines for Starfleet. Whiel he is incredibly brilliant and above all dedicated to his field, social interactions continue to be a struggle for them. In addition to the typical socialization issues Andorians can sometimes face, Chevy has a particular difficulty in understanding other people, espcially in regards to hyperbole and metaphor. He tends to interpret everything said in a very literal manner and has to sometimes be told that something is a joke. Recently Ens. Rashomta made the comment that he would look "great with a mustache" and Chevy undertook a subdermal tarnsplant in order to now sport a mustache. The crew is split on whether it looks ridiculous and amazing and either way Chevy has found a bit of confidence in how much attention the mustache is drawing.  

Biographical Overview

Chevy grew up among the shipyards of Andoria and his extended family all served the shipyards in some capacity whether as engineers, designers or administrators. His primary education was focused on engineering and he was accepted into Starfleet Academy's engineering program in 2364. In 2368 he graduated with a specialization in starship design and he was assigned as part of a design team to Starbase 621 to work on what would eventually become the Intrepid-Class ship, In 2367 with his design work finished he applied for starship operations citing that he wanted to better understand what life on a starship like the ones he was designing was like. For the next year he served as an engineer on the USS Halifax while it conducted routine scientific surveys. Upon conclusion of this tour he was transferred to Starbase 254 to do some preliminary design work on the Prometheus-class however in 2368 he switched from hull and structures to engine designs and was moved to Starbase 18. In 2370 he requested another transfer to starship operations, this time requesting a deep space voyage and he joined the crew of the USS Claudius on exploration surveys. The Claudius did not participate in the Dominion War having been assigned to explore a region on the opposite side of the quadrant. It was during this time that Chevy became more interested in subspace engines and he moved to several different engineering posts around both the warp and he became focused on creating a true subspace drive that could propel ships faster than even warp drives. In 2375 he transferred to the Alpha Centuari research where he spent two years putting together his proposal for a research project. In 2377 it was approved and he would be given space on the USS Orpheus to conduct subspace experimentation along with his normal duties on the ship.
Starfleet Academy Class
2359, 63rd percentile
Martial Status Single
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2377-Present)
Previous Assignments
Alpha Centauri Research (2375-2377)
USS Claudius [NCC-49423] (2370-2375)
Starbase 18 (2368-2370) [br[ Starbase 254 (2367-2368)
USS Halifax [NCC-68039] (2367-2367)
Starbase 621 (2359-2367)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
August 4th, 2337
Year of Birth
2337 44 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations